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Vohémar<br />

The precious stones are the<br />

objects of desire and the<br />

fragrance of vanilla wafts<br />

above the streets of the town.<br />

Vohémar is a destination that<br />

promises a peaceful stay in a<br />

tropical atmosphere.<br />

cependant, que la senteur de la vanille…. En effet,<br />

les pierres précieuses font l’objet de convoitise<br />

dans cette partie de l’île. Ces merveilles de la nature<br />

sont d’une beauté rare une fois transformées qu’il<br />

est difficile de repartir sans en acheter ou plus<br />

simplement sans les prendre en photo.<br />

Se nommant « Iharana » en malgache, Vohémar<br />

fait partie de la région de SAVA située dans la partie<br />

nord-est de Madagascar. Elle abrite le seul port<br />

capable de gérer une activité commerciale intensive.<br />

Cette partie de la région est surtout connue pour<br />

l’élevage extensif de zébus, il ne faudra donc pas<br />

vous étonner si vous en croisez sur votre chemin.<br />

Every part of Madagascar has a little<br />

corner of paradise that deserves to<br />

be visited at least once in a lifetime.<br />

Who could resist the temptation<br />

of sea, precious stones and an<br />

absolutely fascinating culture?<br />

Vohémar is the ideal destination to experience<br />

these treasures and to learn more about popular<br />

Malagasy traditions.<br />

The fragrance of vanilla wafts above all the<br />

streets of the town, casting a spell on visitors.<br />

The destination offers a truly peaceful stay in a<br />

tropical climate. However, there is not only the<br />

fragrance of vanilla: precious stones are also<br />

objects of desire in this part of the island. Once<br />

transformed, these wonders of nature are of such<br />

extraordinary beauty that it is difficult to leave<br />

without buying at least one or simply taking<br />

photos of them<br />

Referred to as ‘Iharana’ in Malagasy, Vohémar<br />

is situated in the Sava region, in the north east<br />

of Madagascar. It has the only port equipped to<br />

handle intense commercial activity. This part<br />

of the area is known above all for the extensive<br />

cattle-raising (zebu), so do not be surprised to<br />

come across a zebu or two along the road.<br />

Magazine online<br />

www.primemedia.international<br />

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