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try his luck at share cropping on Kreamg<br />

his family by wagon to Lakeport, then<br />

farmers at first didn't own their land. They squatted persuaded him to try his luck at share cro<br />

where they pleased, clearing a few acres here and there<br />

Island. Moving his family by wagon t<br />

the lake, he farmed on Kreamer in 1916<br />

wherever it might suit their fancy. So now you're saying by barge across the lake, he farmed on<br />

3028 3128 50 BELLE BELLE GLADE GLADE FROM FROM SW SW AMP AMP TO TO SUGAR SUGAR BOWL they had not right to rent the land to negroes, but pardnr,<br />

BOWL<br />


50 29<br />



stating that big part part and of of delicious this this stream potato, was was but dredged it is out hotter out some some than five five seven years years hundred<br />

to to firecrackers. become a part a part of Although of the the Thirteen I had Mile seen Mile Canal men Canal taste which wampee,<br />

Disston<br />

later later<br />

than a vast<br />

for all time I had decided had intended to be to smart to continue and on boil on to the to Shark Shark poison River. out. It After It now now cook­<br />

forms<br />

ld see them ing part part one of in of the several the Miami waters canal. until As As this the this lavender stream was was liquid typical no of longer<br />

lake's showed, lake's dead dead I took rivers, one including cautious the bite the Democrat, and spit let's it let's out. see see In what what a<br />

of the the<br />

few it was it seconds was like. like. my mouth felt like a thousand burning needles,<br />

.from Lake<br />

and the sensation lasted until next day. Scientists say that<br />

the Everiami<br />

Canal depth depth of of water water being being about about eight eight feet. feet. To To say say that that our<br />

"The "The river river at at its its mouth is is about about 100 100 yards yards wide, wide, the the<br />

wampee juice contains microscopic balls which expel innumerable<br />

tiny needles with great force. Great grief, I<br />

our<br />

little little party party was was overjoyed would but but poorly express it. it. We We<br />

know that's so, and those needles are red hot to boot! Yet<br />

do do not not go go one one hundred yards yards before we we hear hear exclamations<br />

t River was strangely enough, wild hogs used to love the root, and got<br />

from from the the members of of the the party party in in praise of of the the beautiful<br />

expedition unbelievably fat on it. A sawgrass hog would eat a wampee<br />

scenery which which greets the the eye eye on on every every side. side. There There is is no no<br />

enough, and he squeal in pain, but then he'd root up another. Even<br />

perceptible current so so far far as as we we can can discern. The The water water is<br />

the jackdaws which used to follow us as we grubbed up<br />

is<br />

iver's fork.<br />

clear clear as as crystal, the the banks banks fringed with with a a dense dense tropical<br />

hey weren't sawgrass roots, would peck on a wampee, then gape their<br />

growth of of trees, trees, presenting to to the the view view a solid a solid green green wall, wall,<br />

bills toward the sky while their tongues cooled off.<br />

impenetrable to to the the eye. eye. This This wall wall is is formed by by vines, vines,<br />

s, "ere the which which<br />

As the have have<br />

party twined<br />

penetrated around the the<br />

the Everglades<br />

trunks and and they<br />

branches<br />

seemed of of the the<br />

astir." The also<br />

trees, trees,<br />

to<br />

and<br />

have<br />

and have<br />

been<br />

have oppressed<br />

interlaced and<br />

by<br />

and<br />

the wound<br />

uncanny themselves<br />

silence.<br />

around<br />

were rowed each each "All other around other until until us they reigns they form form a death-like a a screen stillness which is is unrelieved almost suf­<br />

sufficient<br />

sound to to shut shut of out animal out the the light life light of of any of day. day. description. Looking The behind croak­<br />

us us we we<br />

for the last by any<br />

iles to come. ing find find of that a that frog, we we the are are hoot followed of an by owl, by innumerable or the bellow alligators, of an alligator<br />

are are would swimming be a lazily relief." lazily along along This in in caused our our wake. a "feeling From From all of all sides depres­<br />

sides we we<br />

who who<br />

more than<br />

ith a slight sion see see we them them cannot plunging avoid."<br />

in the the water, remain under under for for a few a few<br />

of the trees<br />

As seconds, they rise progressed, rise after after we we have the have water passed in and places and join join became the the crowd somewhat<br />

to hind hind deeper. us. us. We We On do do the not not 21st go go two they two miles found miles ponds before the in the which river river their begins<br />

be­<br />

be­<br />

network<br />

e approach boats to to get get could narrow, float and and we we that find find day ourselves they in made in a little a a little mile stream and only a only<br />

ater course half. a few a few On yards the yards 24th in in the width, first the the dry sunlight ground completely was discoveredabout<br />

the the five branches feet of square, of trees trees and and on vines, vines, the 28th which their have have first interlocked island,<br />

shut shut out out by by<br />

e machetes,<br />

journey some is and and five twined acres around in extent. each each other However other until until on a a December perfect roof roof 3rd is is formeed<br />

... ... were After After more going going numerous half half a mile, a mile, and we the we find water find we we are courses are no no deeper longer in in<br />

the form­<br />

on is reachextending<br />

and a a more stream, plentiful. but but winding On that around day in they in dark, dark, made sluggish fifteen water, miles, the the<br />

islands<br />

trees which and roots roots on and December and branches 6th of they of the trees travelled trees forming thirty-five, a a barrier for to they to our our<br />

a couple then of<br />

further were progress in Shark ... ... River, As As we we which return we they we examine descended more more to closely its<br />

exists, but mouth the the vines vines at the which Gulf grow grow of so Mexico. so luxuriantly, Here and and they find find boarded that that they they are are<br />

apples. Our schooner a a species which of of gourd, had with come with to innumerable meet them gourds for the hanging return from to from<br />

ur voyage, civilization. them, them, perfectly The entire round, and trip and about from about the Lake the size size Okeechobee of of a a billiard had ball. ball.<br />

tion of the taken The The vines 27 vines days run run and all all their over over average the the trees, trees, speed, and and on except on the the for ground the form day form<br />

white man, in a Shark mat a mat two River, two or or three had three been feet feet only deep." three miles a day.<br />

Glades branch of of the the County Court Court House.<br />

Glades branch of the County Court House.<br />

Glades branch of the County Court House.<br />

he soars for hours with nary a flap of his outstretched<br />

he he soars soars for for hours hours with with nary nary a a flap flap of of his his outstretched<br />

wings, and nothing escapes his observation. outstretched<br />

wings, wings, and and nothing nothing escapes escapes his his observation. observation.<br />

Just imagine soaring on a buzzard's wings above the<br />

Just Just imagine imagine soaring soaring on on a a buzzard's buzzard's wings wings above above the<br />

Everglades in the endless sky of time. Looking backward, the<br />

Everglades Everglades in in the the endless endless sky sky of of time. time. Looking Looking backward,<br />

you can see those naked Calusas as they build their backward,<br />

mounds<br />

you you can can see see those those naked naked Calusas Calusas as as they they build build their their mounds<br />

and carve those objects of wood and bone. You watch mounds<br />

as<br />

and and carve carve those those objects objects of of wood wood and and bone. bone. You You watch watch as<br />

the clanking, roaring dredge boats dig canals from Lake as<br />

the the clanking, clanking, roaring roaring dredge dredge boats boats dig dig canals canals from from Lake Lake<br />

Okeechobee to the coast, through the bordering woods and<br />

Okeechobee Okeechobee to to the the coast, coast, through through the the bordering bordering woods woods and<br />

the boundless watery sawgrass. Then come the gator hunters,<br />

and the first venturesome settlers who built their hunt­<br />

tar<br />

and<br />

the the boundless boundless watery watery sawgrass. sawgrass. Then Then come come the the gator gator huntersers,<br />

and and the the first first venturesome venturesome settlers settlers who who built built their their tar<br />

paper shacks and cleared tar<br />

paper<br />

patches for their vegetables. You<br />

paper shacks shacks and and cleared cleared patches patches for for their their vegetables. vegetables. You You<br />

may see some sweaty farmer battling his tractor which<br />

may may see see some some sweaty sweaty farmer farmer battling battling his his tractor tractor which<br />

refuses to run, or maybe it's bogged down in some which gator<br />

refuses refuses to to run, run, or or maybe maybe it's it's bogged bogged down down in in some some gator gator<br />

hole. Giant pigweeds, twenty feet in height shut off the<br />

hole. hole. Giant Giant pigweeds, pigweeds, twenty twenty feet feet in in height height shut shut off off the<br />

breeze while mosquitoes stab and sting, and swarms the<br />

breeze of<br />

breeze while while mosquitoes mosquitoes stab stab and and sting, sting, and and swarms swarms of<br />

gnats buzz in his eyes, his nose and ears as the summer of<br />

gnats gnats buzz buzz in in his his eyes, eyes, his his nose nose and and ears ears as as the the summer<br />

sun beams down with fervent heat. You watch the summer freight<br />

sun sun beams beams down down with with fervent fervent heat. heat. You You watch watch the the freight<br />

boat man as he wrestles drums of gasoline, 200 freight pound<br />

boat boat man man as as he he wrestles wrestles drums drums of of gasoline, gasoline, 200 200 pound pound<br />

sacks sacks of potatoes or lumber for a house. Sleep is a com­<br />

sacks of of potatoes potatoes or or lumber lumber for for a a house. house. Sleep Sleep is is a a commodity<br />

the<br />

modity he dreams about while trying to stay awake at commodity<br />

he he dreams dreams about about while while trying trying to to stay stay awake awake at at the the<br />

steering steering wheel.<br />

steering wheel. wheel.<br />



BOWL 227<br />

While over the lake you'll watch the crews of catfish<br />

While While over over the the lake lake you'll you'll watch watch the the crews crews of of catfish<br />

men as they haul their seines, chest deep in that catfish<br />

chilly<br />

men men as as they they haul haul their their seines, seines, chest chest deep deep in in that that chilly chilly<br />

water, at dawn and at first dark. And the women too, you'll<br />

water, water, at at dawn dawn and and at at first first dark. dark. And And the the women women too, too, you'll<br />

see them fill their lamps with kerosene and contrive you'll<br />

to<br />

see see them them fill fill their their lamps lamps with with kerosene kerosene and and contrive contrive to<br />

cook a meal's victuals from rations that won't to<br />

cook cook a a meal's meal's victuals victuals from from rations rations that that won't spoil, in<br />

won't spoil, spoil, in<br />

those days of no ice and no refrigeration. You'll observe, in<br />

those those days days of of no no ice ice and and no no refrigeration. You'll You'll observe,<br />

amazed, as seventy-two voters incorporate the town observe,<br />

when<br />

amazed, amazed, as as seventy-two seventy-two voters voters incorporate incorporate the the town town when<br />

they didn't intend to do so, and you'll be horrified to when<br />

see<br />

they they didn't didn't intend intend to to do do so, so, and and you'll you'll be be horrified horrified to to see<br />

new town devastated see<br />

the the new new town town devastated when a hurricane-lashed lake<br />

devastated when when a a hurricane-lashed lake<br />

breaks down the levee.<br />

lake<br />

breaks breaks down down the the levee. levee.<br />

And then you'll observe little settlements spring up<br />

And And then then you'll you'll observe observe little little settlements settlements spring spring up up<br />

around the lake. Railroads and highways are built and settlements<br />

grow into towns and cities. Floods and ground­<br />

set­<br />

around around the the lake. lake. Railroads Railroads and highways highways are are built built and and settlementtlements<br />

grow grow into into towns towns and and cities. cities. Floods Floods and and groundburninburning<br />

droughts droughts at at last last are are controlled. controlled. Vegetable Vegetable patches<br />

groundburning<br />

droughts at last are controlled. Vegetable patches<br />

now are farms of many thousand acres. patches<br />

now now are are farms farms of of many many thousand thousand acres. acres.<br />

All this you've seen while soaring on buzzard's wings<br />

All All this this you've you've seen seen while while soaring soaring on on buzzard's buzzard's wings wings<br />

in the endless sky of time. Yes, and I have seen it too,<br />

in in the the endless endless sky sky of of time. time. Yes, Yes, and and I I have have seen seen it it too,<br />

from those days when the first canal was being dug where too,<br />

from from those those days days when when the the first first canal canal was was being being dug dug where where<br />

Belle Glade is, and when this country was nearabout inaccessible.<br />

When it was inhabited only by varmints inac­<br />

and<br />

Belle Belle Glade Glade is, is, and and when when this this country country was was nearabout nearabout inaccessiblecessible.<br />

When When it it was was inhabited inhabited only only by by varmints varmints and and<br />

mosquitoes, right up till now when Belle Glade is a right<br />

mosquitoes, mosquitoes, right right up up till till now now when when Belle Belle Glade Glade is is a a right<br />

nice city, and these Everglades are the bread basket right<br />

and<br />

nice nice city, city, and and these these Everglades Everglades are are the the bread bread basket basket and<br />

the sugar bowl of the nation. Things have changed a right and<br />

the the sugar sugar bowl bowl of of the the nation. nation. Things Things have have changed changed a a right<br />

smart in just one lifetime, and that's for sure. right<br />

smart smart in in just just one one lifetime, lifetime, and and that's that's for for sure. sure.<br />

So<br />

So nowadays we labor only for eight hours in air-conditioned<br />

So nowadays nowadays we we labor labor only only for for eight eight hours hours in in air-conditioned<br />

comfort, with TV and radio for our amuseditioned<br />

comfort, comfort, with with TV TV and and radio radio for for our our amuse­<br />

air-conment.<br />

Insteac1 of a six-mile-an-hour motor boat, we amusement.<br />

Insteac1 Insteac1 of of a a six-mile-an-hour motor motor boat, boat, we we travel travel<br />

with<br />

travel<br />

ment.<br />

with the speed of wind, and each year we take a few weeks<br />

with the the speed speed of of wind, wind, and and each each year year we we take take a a few few weeks<br />

off for recreation.<br />

weeks<br />

off off for for recreation. recreation.<br />

But<br />

But brother, let's not forget those muck-covered pioneers<br />

But brother, brother, let's let's not not forget forget those those muck-covered pioneers<br />

who made these conditions possible, those bold men,<br />

neers who who made made these these conditions conditions possible, possible, those those bold bold men,<br />

pio­<br />

and women too, who ventured into this unknown wilderness.<br />

They experimented with one crop and another, wilder­<br />

men,<br />

and and women women too, too, who who ventured ventured into into this this unknown unknown wilderness.<br />

with<br />

ness. They They experimented with with one one crop crop and and another, another, with<br />

this method and that, until they learned to farm these with<br />

this this method method and and that, that, until until they they learned learned to to farm farm these these<br />

Glades.<br />

Glades. From early dawn till dark they labored, with hoes<br />

Glades. From From early early dawn dawn till till dark dark they they labored, labored, with with hoes<br />

and push plows and machetes, with experimental plows hoes<br />

and push push plows plows and and machetes, machetes, with with experimental plows<br />

and homemade tractors.<br />

plows<br />

and and homemade homemade tractors. tractors.<br />

Major<br />

When When<br />

Williams<br />

I first I first came<br />

concludes<br />

came to to this this<br />

his<br />

lake lake<br />

report<br />

these these<br />

by gourds<br />

stating<br />

still still<br />

that<br />

were were<br />

the plentiful<br />

Everglades<br />

in in the the<br />

"are custard<br />

nothing<br />

apple apple<br />

more forest,<br />

nor less<br />

although<br />

than<br />

they<br />

a<br />

they<br />

vast<br />

then then<br />

and<br />

were were<br />

useless<br />

less less marsh,<br />

luxuriant<br />

and<br />

than than<br />

such<br />

the the<br />

they<br />

moon moon<br />

will<br />

vine, vine,<br />

remain<br />

a kind a kind<br />

for<br />

of<br />

all<br />

of morning<br />

time<br />

to<br />

glory,<br />

come<br />

glory,<br />

in<br />

which which<br />

my estimation." completely Good<br />

blanketed<br />

golly,<br />

the<br />

he<br />

the tops<br />

should<br />

tops and<br />

see<br />

and the<br />

them<br />

the exposeposed<br />

flanks of of the the custard apple apple woods, making a a shadowy<br />

ex­<br />

now!<br />

dusk And dusk at so at mid that mid day. day. was the first trip ever made .from Lake<br />

Okeechobee<br />

After southward<br />

the<br />

through<br />

south shore<br />

the<br />

for.<br />

length<br />

nine<br />

of<br />

days<br />

the<br />

the<br />

Everglades,<br />

yes, and the last one too, until the Miami near the point on the lake,<br />

After cruising the south shore for. nine days the party party<br />

Canal<br />

arrived, near the southernmost point on the lake, at at the the<br />

was surveyed some thirty years later.<br />

largest and and longest of of all all these these rivers. This This they they ed But ed T-D, T-D, let's or take or Times-Democrat a closer look what River. Democrat After After traversing River was this this<br />

christen­<br />

like stream in those to to its primeval its end, end, they they days. laid laid The a a scribe course south of south this by by the expedition the compass<br />

gives for for Shark us Shark a detailed River, account, ninety miles miles though away away curiously by by air air line. enough, line. Although he<br />

never water water mentions had had evidently those ancient been been five mounds five feet feet over at over the the the river's land land not fork. not too too<br />

Maybe long long the before, jungle they they growth found found that was that it so it now now dense was was that a scant a scant they five weren't five inches,<br />

even and and noticed. under under that that was was fifteen feet, feet, more more or less, less, of soft soft mud. mud.<br />

"On So So the now now 10th they they day are are of compelled November," to to battle he battle relates, the the "ere sharp-edged the<br />

first sawgrass, streaks which of which dawn, they they every had had man believed in camp to to be be was only only astir." ten ten miles miles The in in<br />

boats extent, were but but loaded which which and actually for a few persisted hundred clear clear yards to to the were the headwaters rowed<br />

up of the of stream. Shark River. Then At the At times times oars they were they were stowed were able able away to to burn for burn the the last sawgrassgrass,<br />

"for but poles but usually will have the the way to way be must used must be for be many hacked miles with with to machetes. come.<br />

saw­<br />

time<br />

The For For river many many has days days narrowed they they were were down compelled to a stream to to push push not and more and lift lift than their their<br />

five boats boats or six every every feet foot in foot of depth, of the the way, dark, way, often sluggish often making and only with only a few a slight few hundredred<br />

yards yards current in in a day. a running day. On On north. November The 17th, 17th, boughs a week a week of the after after trees leav­<br />

leav­<br />

hun­<br />

perceptible<br />

lap ing ing over the the the lake, lake, water, a a tall tall the cypress vines at form at Democrat a perfect River River network was was still to still<br />

bar visible our progress, to to the the naked and naked to eye. all eye. appearances when we approach<br />

these barriers it seems as if the end of the water course<br />

has been Constantly<br />

reached,<br />

they<br />

but<br />

they were<br />

with<br />

were<br />

a few<br />

plagued<br />

strokes<br />

by by of<br />

innumerable<br />

the machetes,<br />

snakes,<br />

axes though<br />

and hatchets fortunately,<br />

our way<br />

nobody<br />

is cleared,<br />

was was bitten.<br />

and our<br />

But But<br />

journey<br />

they they were<br />

is<br />

were<br />

by and resumed<br />

tortured<br />

for a<br />

by<br />

few<br />

mosquitoes,<br />

yards until the<br />

leeches<br />

next<br />

and<br />

obstruction<br />

poisonous<br />

is reached,<br />

sometimes<br />

wampee<br />

plants "which<br />

a sunken<br />

produce<br />

log,<br />

a a the<br />

terrible<br />

roots burning<br />

of trees sensation.<br />

extending<br />

Its Its<br />

across appearance<br />

the whole<br />

is is channel,<br />

similar to to the<br />

or<br />

the<br />

the<br />

water water<br />

branches<br />

lily, lily, the the<br />

of<br />

leaf<br />

trees<br />

leaf being being<br />

which<br />

from from<br />

reach<br />

six six to<br />

the<br />

to surface<br />

twelve inches<br />

of the water.<br />

across, the<br />

We<br />

the root<br />

have<br />

root gone<br />

running<br />

a<br />

to<br />

couple<br />

to a a depth<br />

of<br />

depth<br />

miles<br />

of of six<br />

when<br />

six inches,<br />

we discover<br />

and and resembles<br />

that the<br />

a<br />

river a shallot<br />

no<br />

in<br />

longer<br />

in appearance.<br />

exists, but<br />

We We<br />

has<br />

had had lost<br />

the the itself curiosity in the<br />

to<br />

dense to taste taste swamp<br />

it. it. We We shall<br />

of<br />

shall<br />

custard<br />

do do so so no<br />

apples.<br />

no more!"<br />

Our<br />

compass Yes, Yes, is I now, I know know and blamed will be well until well they they end didn't! of That our That voyage,<br />

wampee<br />

our was was only a a guide. hellish We plant, plant, are now nobody penetrating would would ever ever a portion taste taste it of it the twice!<br />

state Indian which turnip has never it's it's called been called up done up north. before It's by It's tuber any tuber white looks looks man, like like a a

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