Walk in the Spirit February 2020

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.


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Friday 7th February 2020





Gospel Proclamation

King Herod heard about Jesus,...,

and people were saying, “John

the Baptist has been raised from the

dead; that is why mighty powers are

at work in him.” ... But when Herod

learned of it, he said, “It is John

whom I beheaded. He has been raised

up.” ..... John had said to Herod, “It

is not lawful for you to have your

brother’s wife.” Herodias harbored a

grudge against him and wanted to kill

him but was unable to do so. Herod

feared John, knowing him to be a

righteous and holy man, and kept

him in custody. ... Herodias had an

opportunity one day when Herod, on

his birthday, gave a banquet .... His

own daughter came in and performed

a dance that delighted Herod and

his guests. The king said to the girl,

“Ask of me whatever you wish and I

will grant it to you.” ... She went out

and said to her mother, “What shall

I ask for?” Her mother replied, “The

head of John the Baptist.” The girl

hurried back to the king’s presence

and made her request, “I want you

to give me at once on a platter the

head of John the Baptist.” The king

was deeply distressed, but because

of his oaths and the guests he did not

wish to break his word to her. So he

promptly dispatched an executioner

with orders to bring back his head.

He went off and beheaded him in the

prison. He brought in the head on a

platter and gave it to the girl. The

girl in turn gave it to her mother.

When his disciples heard about it,

they came and took his body and laid

it in a tomb.

Prayerful Awareness

The Gospel today describes how

John the Baptist was victim of the

corruption and of the arrogance of the

government of Herod. He died without

being judged by a tribunal, in the course

of a banquet given by Herod with the

great men of the kingdom. John, the

prophet, was a living denouncement in

the corrupt system. This is why he was

eliminated under the pretext of personal

vengeance. All this reveals what a man

who did not control himself could do

abusing the power accumulated in his

hands, to work against the Kingdom

of God, against Love, Kindness and

Justice. Herod, under the enthusiasm of

the feast and of the wine swore lightly

to give something to the young dancer.

As he was superstitious, Herod decide to

maintain his oath, as for Him life of his

subjects had no value. But when Herod

heard about Jesus, he got frightened to

think that John the Baptist is reborn. We

see and hear that such things happens

even today with corrupt and biased

politicians who gain power by various

means which they abuse to safeguard

their own selfish interests and hide their

corrupt activities. Do we also commit

sins due to our pride, selfishness and

greed? The first reading is on how God’s

Grace lifted David to give praise and

glory to God, where God forgave him

his sins. We too are called to be humble,

accept our sins, repent and change.

Prayer Starter

Lord our God, help us to love You

with all our hearts and to love all

people as You love them. We ask this

through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your

Son, who lives and reigns with You and

the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and

ever. Amen.

"Abba Father! Abba Mother!"


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