Walk in the Spirit February 2020

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.


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Sunday 23rd February 2020




1 Corinthians:3/16-23



God the source of infinite love

has called us to a life of relationship

with him, of experiencing his love.

Love means outpouring of oneself,

offering oneself for the sake of the

other which should be done voluntarily.

God so loved the world that he gave

his only begotten son. Jesus Christ

who unfolded and proved his love for

us through self-sacrifice is the only

person who fulfilled the Law and the

commandments. Love is the ultimate

solution for every problem that crops

up in the world – loving and giving

attention. Christ the Lord through his

love redeemed the world. Let us follow

his steps and be a solution to the world.

For this purpose let us get enwrapped

in the breath of the Spirit and enter

into prayer.

The First Proclamation

…."Be holy, for I, the Lord your

God am holy. You must not bear

hatred for your brother in your

heart. You must openly tell him, your

neighbor, of his offence; this way you

will not take a sin upon yourself.

You must not exact vengeance, nor

must you bear a grudge against the

children of your people. You must

love your neighbor as yourself. I am

the Lord.

Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time


Prayerful Awareness

"Abba Father! Abba Mother!"


The term applied for Law in the

Old Testament was 'Torah.' Also, the

book of Leviticus is one of the first five

books of the Holy Bible. The Law that

has been developed since ancient times

through contexts of ritualism, covenant

and social has been presented in varied

forms. The main theme of the Book

containing many liturgical laws and

regulations in connection with Levite

Priestly Tradition is the manner in

which the people should offer worship

and sacrifice to God to preserve his

holiness and to maintain relationship

with him. "Be holy, for I, the Lord your

God am holy."

In order to lead a sinless life without

spot or stain let us continue to be

purified through the precious blood

of the Lord Jesus, follow him and be

his witnesses demonstrating through

our life actions the words of the Lord,

"Love your neigbour as I love you."

The Second Proclamation

Do you not know that you are

God's temple and that God's Spirit

dwells in you? If anyone destroys

God's temple, God will destroy that

person. For God's temple is holy, and

you are that temple.

Do not deceive yourselves. If you

think that you are wise in this age,

you should become fools so that you

may become wise. For the wisdom of

this world is foolishness with God.

For it is written,

"He catches the wise in their

craftiness," and again, "The Lord

knows the thoughts of the wise, that

they are futile." So let no one boast

about human leaders. For all things

are yours, whether Paul or Apolos or

Cephas or the world or life or death

or the present or the future - all be-

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