Walk in the Spirit February 2020

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.


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Sunday 9th February 2020




1 Corinthians: 2/1-5



Lord Jesus with the statement

from the Gospel proclamation "You

are the light of the world, the salt of

the earth" is inviting us to be a light to

the world and society we live in and

to give favour to the lives of others.

In the present day society most people

pursuing after what is transient such as

power, wealth and positions, selfishly

engulfed in destructive live patterns

are stuck in a life of slavery and addiction

and moreover, considering it

the correct behavior are simply lost.

Thus they display their ignorance

of the qualities of mercy, love and

selflessness. Today, the Holy Mother

the Church is extending an invitation

to you and to me to be a solution and

a challenge to this type of society

personally, as a family as well as

a community. Let us enter into the

journey of prayer pleading with the

Lord for the gifts of the Holy Spirit

and the strength needed to accomplish

this task.

The First Proclamation

Is it not to share your bread with

the hungry, and bring the homeless

poor into your house; when you see

the naked, to cover them, and not

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Ps Wk I

to hide yourself from your own kin?

Then your light shall break forth

like the dawn, and your healing shall

spring up quickly; your vindicator

shall go before you, the glory of the

Lord shall be your rear guard. Then

you shall call, and the Lord will

answer; you shall cry for help, and

he will say, Here I am.

Prayerful Awareness

"Abba Father! Abba Mother!"


In the book of Isaiah chapters 55

to 66 we find the attempt of Isaiah

encourage the Israelites returned to

Jerusalem freed from Babylonian

exile to get out of the despair and

uncertainty they were engulfed in. He

affirms that God will ever be faithful

to his promises. As indicated in the

above passage God through prophet

Isaiah well clarifies how his chosen

people the Israelites should lead their

lives. Explaining what real fasting is

the people are awakened to the fruits

they could reap through this exercise.

Further, his mercy and kindness is

proclaimed with 'Cry and the Lord

will answer; call, and he will say, 'I

am here' and also that when they live

righteously their life will be made a

light to the others.

From the Gospel Proclamation

"You are the salt of the earth;

but if salt has lost its taste, how can

its saltiness be restored? It is no longer

good for anything, but is thrown

out and trampled under foot.

"You are the light of the world.

A city built on a hill cannot be hid.

No city built on a hill cannot be hid.

No one after lighting a lamp puts it

under the bushel basket, but on the

lamp-stand, and it gives light to all

in the house. In the same way, let

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