Walk in the Spirit February 2020

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.


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Monday 10th February 2020

1 Kings 8/1-7, 9-13


( 132/6-10)


The Gospel Proclamation

When they have crossed over,

they came to land at Gennesaret and

moored the boat. When they got out

of the boat, people at recognized him,

and rushed about that whole region

and began to bring the sick on mats to

wherever they heard he was.

And wherever he went, into villages

or cities or farms, they laid the sick

in the marketplaces, and begged him

that they might touch even the fringe

of his cloak, and all who touched it

were healed.

Prayerful Awareness

Today's Gospel reading reminds us

that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Divine

Physician. Yes, He is the Divine Physician

at all times. During His public life

Jesus cured all the people who came to

Him in countless numbers. Jesus not only

cured them physically but also mentally

and spiritually. This is what Jesus has

come for. His healing love is freely

available to the whole Universe.

At this particular instance Jesus was

in Gennesaret. News spread around like

wild fire that Jesus is curing the sick.

They were brought to Him on mats, lying

on beds. Their faith was marvelous.

Wherever Jesus went, they laid the sick

in the market place and besought Him

that they might touch even the fringe of

His garment and all those who touched

it were made well.

The people were powerfully drawn

to Him and that is why they ran to Him.

They were confident that Jesus was able

to heal and teach them. They eagerly

St.Scholastica, Virgin

"Abba Father! Abba Mother!"


longed for what He offered; words of

hope and comfort, the revelation of the

love of the Father and the power of humble,

surrendered life. Some ran just to see

Him heal the sick. There was an urgency.

We must go to Jesus now! On behalf of

the Kingdom He was building He was

in the midst of the people, curing them

with His eyes ever open to Father God.

All the services of Jesus was done with

the hope of giving relief to the poor and

distressed and it was an opportunity of

fulfilling joy and hope for all.

Jesus never turned anyone away.

He was always open to the people's

needs. This evangelization is not merely

to achieve worldly happiness, but it is

a call to give sound health and joy in

anticipating the bliss of heaven. So,

Jesus loved and cared for all those who

came to Him. The physically sick whom

Jesus touched (like the paralytic in Mark

2/1-12) knew that their healing was not

just physical but spiritual as well - their

sins were forgiven and their hearts were

touched and transformed by the love of

the Father. Everyone, including the physically

healthy, had cause to run after the

spiritual healing. Let us also run to Jesus

and seek His healing love.

Our sonship

Where do we stand? Jesus had a great

desire and a thirst to build the Kingdom

of God here and lift more and more hearts

of the people towards Father God. How

can I contribute to this worthy cause?

Can't I witness and make it known to

others that I have been miraculously

healed of my sicknesses. Every night,

during sleep, Jesus heals my whole body

system silently. He renews all my wasted

cells and makes me enjoy good health for

the new day.

Prayer Starter

Abba Father, Abba Mother, we thank

You immensely for gifting us Your beloved

Son Jesus who heals us physically, mentally

and spiritually.

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