Walk in the Spirit February 2020

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.


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Friday 21st February 2020

James:2/14-24, 26

Psalm: 111/1-6



The First Proclamation

Please read James 2/14-24, 26 prayerfully,

Prayerful Awareness

The first reading presents to us a very

important teaching. It says Faith should

follow deeds. Then only it becomes active

in our lives. at is the use of all the wisdom

if we do not apply it in our lives. Father

Abraham is a good example. His faith was

active along with his deeds and became

perfect by what he did. So the Word of

Scripture was thus fulfilled. He believed

in God and was considered a righteous

person and he was called the friend of

God. "Just as the body is dead without the

Spirit, faith without deeds is also dead.".

The Gospel Proclamation

He called the crowd with his disciples,

and said to them, "If any want

to become my followers, let them deny

themselves and take up their cross and

follow me. For those who want to save

their life will lose it, and those who lose

their life for my sake, and for the sake

of the gospel, will save it. ...

Gaze at Jesus

Our Lord Jesus Christ came into this

world for the great purpose of executing

God's plan to build the Kingdom of God

and to win salvation to all mankind. To

fulfill this promise He had to give up His

heavenly glory and take the nature of a

servant, deny Himself and ultimately go

through the suffering of the cross. With the

Baptism of the Spirit at the river Jordan

He was empowered to deny Himself and

depend solely on His Father God. The

birds had nests and the foxes had caves,

but the Son of Man did not have anything

"Abba Father! Abba Mother!"


to lie on. Although He was the Son of God

He learnt suffering through obedience. he

was destined to face an unjust judgement

and had to undergo a horrible crucifixion

on the cross. With all this in mind, Jesus

responded to God's Will, by healing all

forms of diseases of the people, relieving

those who were possessed with evil spirits,

freeing the captives and consoling the

suffering. People came to Him in flocks

to achieve all these advantages but not

to contribute to Jesus' mission. Even the

disciples who left everything and followed

Jesus did not really understand what true

discipleship is. However, Jesus made them

understand that they are destined to win

the resurrection when they dedicate their

lives on behalf of Jesus and the Gospel

and so they responded. All these were

possible through the empowerment of the

Holy Spirit.

Take up the Cross means to follow

the same path which Jesus undertook. In

a way renounce our life or we must risk

ourselves for something noble instead of

being concerned about our own future.

We have to take up our cross by accepting

freely the sacrifices that the Father sends

each day. In return we receive something

more marvelous than what was sacrificed

- inner freedom and more profound happiness

(Mark 10;30).

It is time to think seriously about what

Jesus tells us in today's Gospel proclamation.

"Does a person gain anything if he

wins the whole world but loses his life?"

Life is not a bed of roses as the saying

goes. Every Christian has to go through

hardships and we have to face them freely,

without grumbling, because the Holy

Spirit is empowering and guiding us all

the way. Christ went through all the trials

on behalf of all mankind to win salvation

for all the people. Let us follow Him to

win resurrection which He had promised.

Prayer Starter

Dear Father God, give us more and

more faith in order to live according to

Your ideals.

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