Walk in the Spirit February 2020

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.


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Wednesday 26th February 2020

Ash Wednesday





2 Corinthians:5/20-6/2


The Gospel Proclamation

Beware of practicing your piety

before others in order to be seen by

them, for then you have no reward

from your Father in heaven.

"So whenever you give alms, do

not sound a trumpet before you, as

the hypocrites do in the synagogues

and in the streets, so that they may be

praised by others. Truly I tell you, they

have received their reward. But when

you give alms, do not let your left hand

know what your right hand is doing, so

that your alms may be done in secret;

and your father who sees in secret will

reward you.......

Prayerful Awareness

Once more the blessed season of

Lent is with us. It mainly invites us to

look at ourselves and engage in deeper

prayer, fasting and almsgiving, to gain

merit in the sight of God and as atonement

and forgiveness for our sins. Here

we are faced with a problem - the problem

of outward show when we pray, fast

and give alms. In fasting, unkempt hair,

soiled clothes, whitened faces and telling

others of it are some ways condemned

by Jesus. Can these be regarded as acts

of humility? Surely not. They are acts

of spiritual pride. If fasting is undertaken

for its own sake then there is no

value in it. It is just a demonstration of

superior piety. Jesus calls to conversion

and penance, like that of the prophets

"Abba Father! Abba Mother!"

before Him, do not aim first at outward

works, sackcloth and ashes", fasting and

mortification, but at the conversion of

the heart, interior conversion. Without

this, such penance remains sterile and

false, however interior conversion urges

expression in visible signs, gestures and

works of penance." (C.C.C.1430). Wise

fasting is an excellent thing. It is good for

self-discipline. It would do much good

to us if we at least once a fortnight, set

aside our wishes and desires and exercise

stringent self-discipline. Fasting is good

for health. It is a way of respite to the

digestive system, which if overburdened

results in getting soft and flabby. If it is

neglected it is easy to reach a stage where

we might live to eat instead of the reverse.

The ability to do without certain things is

preserved by fasting. How many things

in our life are regarded as essential or we

cannot do without? We can be independent

if there are fewer essential things. If

our list of essential things is long, then we

will be at the mercy of the luxuries of life.

How about walking along a street lined

with shop windows and making a list of

things we can do without? To appreciate

things all the more - when some pleasures

come seldom, we yearn to enjoy them.

Such hedonistic engagements kill true

fulfillment. Instead, fasting keeps us

satisfied deep within leaving us fresh

and new. What Jesus condemned was the

wrong kind of fasting and never to eliminate

it from life. Let us make it a way to

go to Him. And in prayer - Our prayers

are full of conditions for God to comply

with. If, instead of our telling God "Thy

will be done", He tells us "Thy will be

done"? The voice crying in the wilderness

is a call to penance through which let us

make this Lent a time of salvation - to go

to where we should be.

Prayer Starter

Help us to see and free ourselves from

the hypocrisy of almsgiving, fasting and

prayer. Amen.

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