Walk in the Spirit February 2020

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.


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Sunday 16th February 2020 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Ps Wk II

each person are life and death, and

Sirach:15/16-21 whichever one chooses will be given.

Psalm:118/1-2,4-5 For great is the wisdom of the Lord;

17-18,33-34 he is mighty in power and sees everything,

his eyes are on those who fear



him, and he knows

1 Corinthians:2/6-10

Prayerful Awareness



Today the invitation of the Holy

Mother the Church to you and to me

who have inherited divine son-ship

through Baptism is to experience the

freedom of divine son-ship making

use of the Law. "If you wish, you can

keep the commandments, to behave

faithfully is within your power. He

never commanded anyone to be godless,

he has given no one permission to

sin" While the Book of Ecclesiasticus

states thus, St. Paul too invites us to

proclaim the mystery of the wisdom of

God. St. Matthew through the Gospel

proclamation awakens us to gaze on

the Lord come to fulfill the will of

God. "Do not imagine that I have come

to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I

have come not to abolish them but to

complete them." Let us realize that we

who have been called to experience the

freedom of divine son-ship should lead

our lives and pray for the power to live

worthy of this call.

The First Proclamation

He has placed before you fire

and water; stretch out your hand

for whichever you choose. Before

"Abba Father! Abba Mother!"


Ecclesiasticus written by a Jew

named Sirach in the second century

B.C. consisting of many guidelines

intended to reorient the people of God

gone astray influenced by Greek tradition,

rites and customs to true wisdom

of God had been originally written in

Hebrew and later translated to Greek.

The book states that true wisdom is

related to the Law of God.

The unique gift bestowed on man

created to the image and likeness of

God is free will. Man endowed with

the ability to discern using his free will

is also capable of giving a splendid

response. To the extent that the experience

of divine son-ship deepens in a

man he is enlightened and empowered

to act much better than an ordinary


The Second Proclamation

Yet among the mature we do

speak wisdom, though it is not a wisdom

of this age or of the rulers of this

age, who are doomed to perish. But

we speak God's wisdom, secret and

hidden, which God decreed before

the ages for our glory. None of the

rulers of this age understood this; for

if they had, they would not have crucified

the Lord of glory. But as it is

written, "What no eye has seen, nor

ear heard, nor the human heart conceived,

what God has prepared for

those who love him." - these things

God has revealed to us through the

Spirit; for the Spirit searches every-

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