Walk in the Spirit February 2020

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.

Published by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.


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Wednesday 19th February 2020





The First Proclamation

You must understand this, my

beloved, let everyone be quick to

listen, slow to speak, slow to anger;

for your anger does not produce

God's righteousness. Therefore rid

yourselves of all sordidness and rank

growth of wickedness, and welcome

with meekness the implanted word

that has the power to save your souls.

But be doers of the word, and

not merely hearers who deceive

themselves. For if any are hearers

of the word and not doers, they are

like those who look at themselves in

a mirror, for they look at themselves

and, on going away, immediately

forget what they were like. But those

who look into the perfect law, the law

of liberty, and persevere, being not

hearers who forget but doers who act

- they will be blessed in their doing.

The Gospel Proclamation

They came to Bethsaida. Some

people brought a blind man to him

and begged him to touch him. He

took the blind man by the hand

and led him out of the village, and

when he had put saliva on his eyes

and laid his hands on him, he asked

him, "Can you see anything?" And

the man looked up and said, "I can

see people but they look like trees,

walking." Then Jesus laid his hands

on his eyes again; and he looked

intently and his sight was restored,

and he saw everything clearly. Then

he sent him away to his home, saying,

" Do not even go into the village."

Prayerful Awareness

In his preaching the Lord Jesus often

makes use of the signs of creation to

make known the mysteries of the Kingdom

of God. He performs healings and

illustrates His preaching with physical

signs or symbolic gestures (spittle,

laying on of hands, mud and washing).

He gives new meaning to the deeds

and signs of the Old Covenant, above

all to the Exodus and the Passover, for

He Himself is the meaning of all these

signs." (C.C.C. 1151).

This miracle is mentioned only by

Mark. In order to lessen the bewilderment

on gaining sight, Jesus took the

blind man away from the crowd and

the village. The unique consideration of

Jesus is evident here. He wanted to let

the thrill of seeing break little by little

upon him. Although Jesus' miracles

happened completely and suddenly,

this one happened gradually. The man

got his sight in stages. God's truth -

yes, no one sees it all at once. Taking

a decision to make Christ the Lord of

our lives - it is good but it is not the

end of the road. it is just the beginning

and we've got to tread the path, leaving

room for becoming new all the time.

We should be open for conversion.

Prayer Starter

That we grow in grace, learn more

and more about the wonder and beauty

of Jesus Christ - we pray to the Lord.


"Abba Father! Abba Mother!"

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