Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

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Fig. 6.25–A single-handed

dexterity test: five full up/down

angulations can be done in 20


and uncoordinated movements rapidly summate, prolonging

the procedure unnecessarily.

A table-top dexterity test will check efficiency of left-hand

angulation technique, or will at least demonstrate the problems.

Perform five full bending section retroflexions from maximally

up to maximally down (with no help from the right hand); this

can be done in around 20 seconds—but only fully and rapidly

(and single-handedly) if the ‘helper finger’ is brought into action

(Figs 6.17 and 6.25).

Insertion through the colon should be as quick as reasonably

possible because the pushing and looping of the insertion phase

is uncomfortable and stressful for the patient. Full inspection

should be on the return journey—although better views of some

areas are obtained on the way in when the colon is stretched; any

small polyps seen should therefore be destroyed during the insertion

phase, because they can easily be missed in the shortened

colon on the way back. However, trying to hurry colonoscope

insertion, using aggression and force to attempt speed, is usually

self-defeating and ends up in a slower, traumatic or failed

insertion. The sigmoid colon is an elastic tube (Fig. 6.26). Inflated

it becomes long and tortuous; deflated it is significantly shorter.

When stretched by a colonoscope, especially if overinflated as

well, the bowel forms loops and acute bends (Fig. 6.27) but if

shortened down and deflated it can be telescoped into a few

convoluted centimeters (Fig. 6.28) (rather like pushing a coat- or

shirt-sleeve up to expose the arm).

The following are simple general principles for comfortable

and safe insertion:

•–Suction air frequently and fluid infrequently. A perfect view isn’t

necessary during insertion. Whenever fully distended colon is

seen or if the patient feels discomfort it takes only a second or two

Fig. 6.26–The sigmoid colon is an

elastic tube …

Fig. 6.27–… pushing loops

it …

Fig. 6.28–… but pulling back

shortens and straightens the


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