The Vegas Voice 4-20

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Do You Feel Off-Balance Sometimes?

By: Mary Richard / Health Fitness

Balance - and I don’t mean it the way you

think! Yes, we need balance in our lives and

we start losing our sense of balance beginning in

our middle ages. If we don’t do any balance exercises, we can lose our

balance and take falls.

Have you ever taken a fall? Older adults 60 or older who have not

done any balance exercises have a greater risk of falling. Make it a

habit to do some balance exercises at least 3-4 times a week.

Some easy exercises is to stand at a counter or a steady chair. With

both feet about shoulder width, lift one foot forward at least one inch

and hold as long as you can - 10 seconds or more. Bring that foot down

and then shift to the other foot.

You can also try this by bending the knee and bringing the foot

backward (similar to a flamingo stance). Try holding this for as long

as you can - 10 seconds or more. Repeat for the other foot. Eventually

you should be able to do it without any added object.

Another is to stand behind a chair and start by holding the chair with

both hands for support. To challenge yourself further, try holding onto

the chair with one hand only.

As you feel steady, try using one finger to balance you. Then try

balancing without holding on. When you are steady on your feet, try

doing the exercises with your eyes closed.

With a little more balance exercises each day, you can help

strengthening your core to help prevent falls. The more you do balance

exercises, the less chance of injuring yourself.

I’m in my 72nd year and believe me - I want to prevent falling and

injuring myself as much as I can.


Mary Richard is a long term supporter of senior fitness. She

teaches Zumba, toning and dance classes throughout the Las Vegas

Valley. She can be reached at zumbaqueen@cox.net.


The Bible Code

By: Ali Guggenheim / Psychic Phenomenon

Isaac Newton, who likened the Bible to a

“cryptogram set by the Almighty” died while

still searching for the hidden code that he believed

was encrypted in the Bible. Unfortunately, Newton

had no inkling that it would take

more than a human lifetime to

process all the numbers just to read

the code.

Professors Rips and Witztum

began exploring the Torah (Bible)

in the 1980’s. Their studies were

published in Statistical Science,

1994, summarizing that, “the Torah

Code Phenomenon was unlikely to

have occurred by chance.”

Eventually, Dr. Rips utilized the

computer in a way that allowed

him to develop a sophisticated

mathematical model. It’s called “Equidistant Letter Sequences in the

Book of Genesis” which proved Newton’s theory to be 100% correct.

Ultimately, thanks goes to Dr. Eliyahu Rips, a Hebrew University

quantum physics mathematician and his computer. The Bible Code

has been verified by Yale, Harvard, Hebrew University and replicated by

a senior code-breaker at the U.S. Department of Defense.

April 2020

Since its unlocking by the computer, the proven Bible code accurately

described certain major world events that would and did occur -

including some predictions that were thousands of years before their

happening, such as man’s landing on the moon, the rise of Hitler, the

Kennedy assassinations, the Gulf War, etc.

For example: For the Gulf

War, the computer was asked to

search for Saddam Hussein. The

mathematically significant related

words that appeared were scuds with

Russian missiles, the date the war

would begin, and it was encoded

with the name Hussein.

“Although it is true that the Bible

has predicted various historical

events that have come to pass,” Rips

still disagrees with Drosnin, (author

Bible Code book) about predicting

future events.

Drosnin, on the other hand, goes further and suggests that “perhaps

it was deliberately coded in such a way that it wouldn’t be possible to

crack until the dawn of the computer age. Almost like a coded time lock

that couldn’t be opened until modern technology and the advent of the

computer provided the key.”

To contact Ali or for spiritual consultations, coaching, workshops

and readings, email: alivegasvoice@yahoo.com.

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