delicious Australia - May 2020

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DELICIOUS. AND DRINKS go together like a martini and an


olive. Or Champagne and fries. Or gin and tonic. You get the

drift… Drinks are a natural part of the delicious. experience.

Whether you’re eating in, and want the perfect drop to match

with your dinner, or a line-up to impress for your entertainer’s

feast. Or you’re (eventually) eating out and want to know the best

bars and cocktails around town, or the hotspots to get a coffee in

your ’hood. Perhaps you’d like to know the latest news or a recipe

to make the perfect Negroni? We have you covered. We know

the delicious. audience is thirsty for more (boom tish, particularly

gin) and we’ve had a lot of fun creating a whole new world inside

the magazine and online. We’ll be debuting a new column this

month, called the Critic (Mike Bennie) and the Comic (Merrick

Watts). They’ll be set a drinks-matching challenge by our food

director, Phoebe Wood, each month. And we’re welcoming

a range of new experts and opinion writers – such as Chris

Morrison, Kate Peck and Liinaa Berry, aka the Wine Sheriff

– to the delicious. line up. We’ve created a special mini magazine

here to celebrate our launch, and of course, we’ll see you online

at the all-new delicious.com.au/drinks. Consider those

Champagne corks popped!

Kerrie McCallum, Editor-in-chief

Follow me: @kerriemccallum @kerrie_mccallum





Port Punch, see delicious.

com.au/drinks for more

recipes like this.

delicious.com.au 3

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