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eat & drink

eat &



Settling for Survival

Amid huge losses, restaurants adapt to takeout and

brace for a chastened new normal. by Eric Levin

“it’s a madhouse every minute of the

day,” said Al Santillo, pushing another

pizza into his century-old brick oven.

“I’m 63, and my buddies say, ‘retire

and come play cards,’ but I feel needed

here.” The oven, 16 feet deep, is in the

tiny house in Elizabeth where Santillo,

the son of a baker, grew up. Since the

pandemic began, he’s been putting in 15-

hour days and has committed to donating

seven pies a day to the local hospital

and EMS squad “for the duration.”

“I’ve been here 30 years,” he said,

“and I’ve never been this busy.”

With the restriction of restaurants to

takeout and delivery in response to Covid-19,

pizza—inexpensive, transportable

and beloved—may be one of the few

relative bright spots, at least for places

like Santillo’s that were already takeout

dynamos. “Pizzerias,” said Domenico

Boccia, a salesman for Ferraro Foods in

Piscataway and one of Santillo’s suppliers,

“are surviving the best of anybody.”

But if pizza is a bright spot, it bobs in



Meny Vaknin, chef/

owner of Mishmish in

Montclair, completes a

take-out order and places

it with others for pick up.

“I’ve got no time for

anything else,” he


a sea of darkness. As of early May, when

this issue went to press, “97 percent of

restaurant operators in the state have

laid off or furloughed employees,” said

Marilou Halvorsen, executive director

of the New Jersey Restaurant and

Hospitality Association. This amounts

to about 222,000 people out of work in

a restaurant and hospitality labor force

that was about 350,000 strong, she said.

The National Restaurant Association

estimates there are 19,050 eating and

drinking places in the state.

For owners, the decision to close temporarily

or soldier on was not easy. Shutting

down meant not only loss of income,

but giving away or throwing out precious

inventory while continuing to shoulder

fixed costs such as rent, taxes, utilities.

Staying open made sense only if the

menu could be readily adapted to takeout—impractical

for fine dining exemplars

like Restaurant Nicholas in Red

Bank or the Ryland Inn in Whitehouse

Station. But restaurants run on passion.

For many operators, staying open, or

reopening after a brief closure—even

with reduced staff, a reduced menu and

reduced prices—was a bet worth making.

“If we had kept closed,” said Meny

Vaknin, whose flagship, Mishmish, is

one of three restaurants he owns in

Montclair, the risk of losing customers

as well as valued staff would have

increased, making it “harder to come

back.” To boost revenue, a number of

places, including South + Pine in Morristown,

Viaggio in Wayne, and all Turning

Point locations, began grocery items.

To ease the pain, Congress created

the Paycheck Protection Program to

make small-business loans that

would be forgiven if at least 75

percent of were applied to payroll.

But the fine print imposed

conditions that, for restaurants,

were seen as hobbling. Chief

among these was the requirement

to spend all the money

within eight weeks, a span in which

normal operations were impossible.

Still, several respected New Jersey

restaurateurs took the loans, including

Vaknin, Dan Richer of Razza in Jersey

City, and Neilly Robinson of Heirloom

Kitchen in Old Bridge. “It’s given us the

confidence to operate with a full staff,”

Robinson said. “It’s nothing to scoff at.”

On April 22, the National Restaurant

Association released a pamphlet,

Covid-19 Reopening Guidelines, that

confirmed a lot of speculation. In addition

to heightened standards for sanitizing

surfaces and employee hygiene, it

recommended spacing tables at least six

feet apart and placing partitions between

them. Suggestions included, “Consider a

reservations-only business model, ...try

not to allow guests to congregate in waiting

areas or bar areas, ...[and] discontinue

self-serve buffets and salad bars.”

These restrictions will mean perhaps

a 50 percent reduction in seating

capacity and therefore revenue. It’s

questionable whether small restaurants

can survive under those terms. Whether

people will flock to take those seats

also remains to be seen. At some point,

restaurants will again be allowed to seat

people at tables. Whether people will

readily take those seats and accept close

proximity to others, even with partitions

and such, remains to be seen.


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