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Finding Love

in a Pandemic

Drastic times call for drastic measures—like diving

headlong into a new relationship. By Shelby Vittek

When Covid-19 made its

way to New Jersey in

mid-March, I was several

weeks into dating a new guy. I met

Hayden on a dating app, and we had

only been on a handful of dates in

Jersey City (where I live) and Brooklyn

(where he lives). Then came the lockdown.

Suddenly, we were faced with an

ultimatum: Would we shelter in place

together, or separately?

“I guess quarantine is a great time

to find out if you’re compatible or not,”

Hayden joked. He had a point, but I was

worried. Not seeing each other for an

indefinite period of time might abruptly

end what seemed like a really good

thing. But would spending all our time

together during a pandemic turn out to

be a disaster?

Having lived alone for the past seven

years, I am unaccustomed to having a

roommate, let alone sharing my space

with a romantic partner. Still, these are

different times.

We dove right in. Within 24 hours,

the relationship went from third date to

unofficially living together. My friends

told me I was absolutely nuts; I secretly

shared their concern.

Six weeks later, Hayden and I have

adjusted to our new way of life. It was

unusual, figuring out cohabitation

while also navigating a new relationship.

But so far, so good. We started

working from home in tandem, Hayden

at his desktop computer, me on my

laptop at a folding table he set up in his

room. (I eventually moved my “office”

to his absent roommate’s room.) Every

weekday, we pause for lunch together.

At the end of the workday, we migrate

downstairs to make dinner, moving

around the kitchen in sync. Hayden

almost always done the dishes, even if

he’s also does most of the cooking.

We’ve nurtured our relationship

without the usual date options: no

meeting up with friends at bars, no

going out for dinner, no shows or

concerts. With the outside world

closed, we have found entertainment

elsewhere. There was a virtual double

date with my friends in North Carolina.

We used Zoom and FaceTime to meet

each other’s families, staes away. We

use gaming apps like Houseparty and

Jackbox to video chat and play games

with our friends. But mostly, we spend

quality time together, and our relationship

has grown into something official—

something serious.

When we do go out—for groceries,

wine and beer—we don our masks and

clutch our hand sanitizer. On weekends,

we drive back to my apartment to do

laundry, traversing a deserted downtown

Manhattan and holding hands in the Holland

Tunnel until we emerge in Jersey.

The coronavirus pandemic has kept

most people apart. For Hayden and

me, it’s had the opposite effect. Life

together is shockingly good. It feels

normal, even though the world outside

is anything but.



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