Newsletter 19-22.05.20

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LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>22.05.20</strong><br />


NEWSLETTER<strong>22.05.20</strong><br />

LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>22.05.20</strong>

A word from the Principal...<br />

Welcome,<br />

As we race towards the summer, it’s hard to believe that there is only half a term left of this academic<br />

year. We are hoping that we will be able to begin returning to school on the 8th June, but<br />

this will depend on the Government’s announcement on the 28th May. If their intention is to continue<br />

with the opening, and we believe it is safe, we will send out a questionnaire to all EYFS, Y1 and<br />

Y6 parents to ascertain the number of children we will be expecting in school so that we can plan<br />

accordingly. At this time, we will share our plans for how our reopening will look and the procedures<br />

we will have in place. We will continue to be open for children of key workers from the 1st June,<br />

regardless of plans for further opening.<br />

From the feedback we have received from parents and children, it was clear that more opportunity<br />

for direct communication and collaboration was the main way we could enhance our provision.<br />

As always, we try to act on feedback whenever we can and so your children should soon (if they<br />

haven’t already) have the chance to be part of groups meetings via Zoom with their teachers and<br />

peers. There are some exciting meetings that have been planned or have already taken place, including<br />

quizzes, scavenger hunts and show and tell! Please ensure you look out for communication<br />

from your class teacher about when these meetings will take place so that your child can be a part<br />

of them.<br />

Over half term, there is no expectation that your children continue working hard with their online<br />

learning. It is important that you; your children and our staff have a break before a potentially very<br />

busy final half term. However, your children will be set an optional activity or project that they can<br />

complete during the half term break if they wish.<br />

Thank you again for your support.<br />

Stay safe,<br />

Mr Adam Anderson<br />


Home Learning...<br />

The children in Early Years have been learning all about spiders this week!<br />

They have learnt how a spider makes its web and then they had a go at creating<br />

their own spider webs using different resources from around their home.<br />

The children looked for spider webs and lightly sprayed the webs so they could<br />

see them more clearly. Some were even brave enough to gently pluck the web<br />

to try and tempt the spider out.<br />

They have made story maps from one of this week’s spider stories, labelled<br />

parts of a spider, completed a spider poem, and painted spider webs.<br />

Their extra challenge this week was to make a bird feeder for the garden. I<br />

have enjoyed seeing their creative ideas.<br />

They have also been looking after their sunflowers and have sent me some<br />

amazing pictures of them.<br />

Well done everyone for all your fantastic work!

Home learning...<br />

It’s been another busy week in Year 1. This week in maths, the children have<br />

been learning to double numbers; they’ve been using cubes, pictures and their<br />

fingers to help them. Many of the children have even had a go at explaining<br />

why their answers are right. In English, they have been learning all about the<br />

story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They have enjoyed listening to the story<br />

and then imagining what they might think or feel if they were the caterpillar<br />

from the story. We have really loved receiving lots of diary entries and hearing<br />

about what everyone has been doing. It’s also been lovely to see some of the<br />

children using their maths skills when helping at home or their English skills<br />

when writing about their own interests. Well done Year 1 for all of your hard<br />

work this half term; enjoy a well-deserved break. Take care and stay safe!

Home learning...<br />

Class 2 have had a great final week of this half term and they deserve a big<br />

pat on the back for their continuous efforts with their fabulous work. This week<br />

they have been using their class blog a lot more to share their work with one<br />

another and share some messages of support for their peers. This week they<br />

have taken a flight to India and have discovered how rice is grown and produced<br />

for us to eat. They have created presentations about India; written descriptive<br />

pieces of writing of an aerial view of India from inside a plane; created<br />

their own rangoli pictures; made fruit and vegetable portraits and taken a virtual<br />

tour of the Taj Mahal. It’s been a busy week! Year 2, you are superstars,<br />

well done!

Home learning...<br />

This week, Class 3 have been very creative in many subjects. We have created our<br />

very own click faces from materials around the home and even made some yummy,<br />

sweet clocks to help us tell the time.<br />

In order to become active, we also made our own activities using a die to keep us fit<br />

and associated lots of different movements and exercises to each number of the die.<br />

Some of us have even had a go and designing and building our own den.<br />

Finally, we also took some time to observe and appreciate the environment around us.<br />

By using our powers of observation, we turned in to our senses and described what we<br />

could see and hear before writing them down into descriptive sentences.<br />

Super work Class 3.

Home Learning...<br />

It’s been a busy week for Class 4 who have been putting in their best efforts<br />

with tasks this week! They designed Roman villas, using Lego, junk and mine<br />

craft. Some of their creations were truly spectacular! They also learnt about<br />

what Romans did with their spare time and were amazed to find out about the<br />

gladiators and how wild animals from around the world fought at the colosseum.<br />

Using google earth the children also explored the amazing Roman architecture<br />

which can be found all over the world. Some of the children showed off<br />

their musical abilities whilst learning about Roman music and they all proved<br />

themselves to be amazing artists, producing fantastic portraits of Julius Caesar,<br />

pictures of the colosseum and drawings of Roman Soldiers. Great work team!

Home learning...<br />

Every week Class 5 completes such high quality work across the curriculum.<br />

It has been a pleasure to look at all of their work in their different styles. Over<br />

the last couple of weeks in English, the children have learned about balanced<br />

argument writing. As part of this study, they have completed research about<br />

different issues and debated them with their family members. Next, they<br />

weighed up all the arguments for and against and considered evidence to form<br />

their conclusions for their questions. After their very detailed planning, the<br />

children completed a draft copy, then edited and improved their writing. Finally,<br />

the children wrote up their balanced arguments in their best handwriting. The<br />

finished pieces were brilliant and extremely interesting to read.<br />

Do humans treat<br />

animals well?<br />

For centuries humans have loved<br />

having animals as pets across the globe.<br />

However, we also have done terrible<br />

things to them such as experiments,<br />

hunting them for sport and destroying their habitats and there's<br />

much more. So if you carry on reading you will see the for and<br />

against arguments to the question DO HUMANS TREAT ANIMALS<br />

WELL?<br />

My first point is that 50% of the UK adults own a pet and there's a<br />

population of 9.9 million dogs in the<br />

UK, but that's not all, 9.9 million dogs<br />

have homes in the UK - proof that we<br />

love dogs. I have a dog called Coco -<br />

she’s a Cockapoo. Here's a list of the<br />

top ten pets in the UK 10.snakes;<br />

9.domestic fowl; 8.lizards; 7.tortoises<br />

and turtles; 6.hamsters; 5.guinea pigs;<br />

4.indoor birds; 3.rabbits; 2.cats and<br />

1.dogs. Guinea pigs are actually very<br />

good with families. Only 0.4% of<br />

people in the UK own a snake (which<br />

For<br />

includes my Aunty!).<br />

In addition the UK has many pet<br />

shops, including Pets at Home, where<br />

I got my fish, but not my dog. There are 450 stores nationwide to<br />

feed our pet habit. Even during lockdown, pet shops stayed open as<br />

they are ‘essential’.

Home learning...<br />

It has been another creative week in Year 6 full of baking, gardening, designing<br />

and poetry. Over the past two weeks, we have been building up to writing our<br />

own animal poems based on The Tyger by William Blake. The poems that the<br />

children have written are so brilliant and use such sophisticated vocabulary. It<br />

has also been lovely to see so many children being practical and baking their<br />

own cakes. Miss Law also enjoyed a Zoom quiz with some of the class and had<br />

a catch up about what we have all been up to. We are looking forward to our<br />

next Zoom meeting after half term.

Home learning...<br />

Science<br />

It has been fantastic to see so many science learning opportunities happening<br />

whilst you’re all at home. You have been engaging really well with the tasks set<br />

and also finding your own science links all around you. Some of the topics have<br />

included; animals including humans, sound, light, living things and their habitats,<br />

and earth and space. The science has been very practical and it has been<br />

lovely to see many of you choosing your own ways to present your work such<br />

as through video, powerpoint presentation, documentary style video, photographs<br />

and much more. Keep up the fantastic work everyone!

Science cont.<br />

Home learning...

A word from the Principal...<br />

Rory R.<br />

1 st<br />

Biggest Increase in Correct answers<br />

over the last 7 days<br />

Year 3, Year 4<br />

21 / May / 2020

Numbots..<br />

Rory R.<br />

1 st<br />

Biggest Increase in Correct answers<br />

over the last 7 days<br />

Year 3, Year 4<br />

21 / May / 2020

A word from the Principal...<br />

Alex C.<br />

1 st<br />

Biggest Increase in Correct answers<br />

over the last 7 days<br />

Year 5, Year 6<br />

21 / May / 2020

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