the Aviation Dictionary

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a -temperature

coefficient of


CO - carbon monoxide

COZ - carbon dioxide

F, - static thrust or gross thrust

F, - net thrust

G, - transconductance

H1. - hydrogen

HCl - hydrochloric acid

k - dielectric constant

Nf- RPM of a free turbine

N, - RPM of a low-pressure


N2 - RPM of a high-pressure


P - power

Pb - lead

Pb - bumer pressure

Ptz - inlet pressure

Pt4 - compressor discharge


PT, - turbine discharge pressure

R - resistance

TtZ - inlet temperature

V1 - takeoff decision speed

V2 - minimum takeoff safety


X, - capacitive reactance

Z - impedance

+ - positive

- - negative

f2- ohm

O - degree

" - inch(es)

' - foot (feet)

amp - ampere

Btu - British thermal unit

C - Celsius

cal - calorie(s)

Cal - large calorie(s)

cm - centimeter

cos - cosine

cu cm - cubic centimeter(s)

cu in - cubic inch(es)

cu ft - cubic foot (feet)

cu m - cubic meter(s)

dB -decibel

deg - degree

ESHP - equivalent shaft


f - farad

F - Fahrenheit

ft - foot (feet)

ft Ib - foot-pound

ft Ibs - foot-pounds

g - gram

gal - gallon

HP - horsepower

hr -hour

Hz - hertz

in - inch(es)

in hg - inch(es) of mercury

IPS - inches per second

k - kilo

K - Kelvin

kg - kilogram

kHz - kilohertz

km - kilometer

kM- kilomega

kw - kilowatt

kw-hr - kilowatt hour

1 - liter

lb - pound

Ibs - pounds

m - meter

mb - milibar

mf or pf - microfarad

mHz - millihertz

MHz - megahertz

mi - mile(s)

mm - millimeter

MPH - miles per hour

mv - millivolt

neg - negative

oz - ounce(s)

pf or ppf - picofarad

pos -positive

PPH - pounds per hour

PPM -parts per million

psi - pounds per square inch

PSIA - pounds per square inch

absolute pressure

PSID - pounds per square inch

differential pressure

PSIG - pounds per square inch


pt -pint

qt - quart

R - Rankine

rev - revolution(s)

RPM - revolutions per minute

sec - second

SHP - shaft horsepower

sin - sine

sq cm - square centimeter(s)

sq in - square inch(es)

sq ft - square foot (feet)

sq m - square meter

sq mi - square mile(s)

sq mil - square mil

tan - tangent

TEHP - thrust equivalent


THP - thrust horsepower

U.S. -United States

V - volt

yd -yard

Aircraft Technical Book Company

P.O. Box 270

Tabernash, CO 80478


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