
This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on January - 2021 Edition - 30. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed to Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide famous Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences and Forums. “Mettavalokanaya” International Monthly Buddhist Magazine has been awarded as the “2018 - The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” from Thailand as the World’s Best and Most popular Buddhist Magazine. The Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre is a registered Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka and has received many International accolades. Our publications are absolutely free of charge to general public. The magazine comprises of special articles on Buddhism written by leading Buddhist Monks from foreign countries. “Mettavalokanaya” is currently been published in English and includes full color 60 pages.

This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on January - 2021 Edition - 30. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed to Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide famous Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences and Forums. “Mettavalokanaya” International Monthly Buddhist Magazine has been awarded as the “2018 - The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” from Thailand as the World’s Best and Most popular Buddhist Magazine. The Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre is a registered Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka and has received many International accolades. Our publications are absolutely free of charge to general public. The magazine comprises of special articles on Buddhism written by leading Buddhist Monks from foreign countries. “Mettavalokanaya” is currently been published in English and includes full color 60 pages.


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have a strong sense that humanity is

about to truly face its worst demons

over the coming weeks. For eons

now, the way we have met our worst

demons is externally, through war and

all kinds of other atrocities. This is when

we say and believe that history repeats

itself. History does not need to repeat

itself. That’s our choice and does not

depend on anyone or anything outside

of us. It’s our choice how we meet our

worst demons this time around. Let us

meet them inside of us. Let us face

time, truly face them, and not turn or

run away from them. Notice how you

feel in your body and what movement,

even so subtle your body wants to

do right now when you imagine truly

meeting your own demons, your own

worst enemies.

Let us sit with them and listen

to them, have a conversation with

our enemies as we would have with

our friends. Because truly our worst

enemies, our inner demons are only

those parts of ourselves that we have

condemned and they simply want to

be seen, be heard and be loved too. I

know how scary this can feel and how

much our conditioning, the patterns of

believes, the training of our brains and

nervous system (over generations) just

wants us to fight or flight, or talk them

or meditate them away. And I know the

true liberation and peace that comes

when we just stay and meet ‘them’, with

deep breaths, with cries and shakes,

with: I am so scared but I am not going

to kick into my auto-response, I am here

and I see you, I hear you, l am. You have

no power over me and nowhere to hide

any more.

Rooting ourselves deep into the

core of Mother Earth. Breathing it all

down into Her and breathing Her up

into us. I choose Peace. I choose Love. I

choose to truly be who I am: Embodied

Divine Whole Human. I choose to

finally and truly create and co-create

the World I want to live in from my Soul.

I pray, holding humanity, holding all life

and especially all people in positions

of leadership and decision-making in

this prayer in each and every moment:

May the Long-Time Sun shine upon you,

May all Love surround you, May the

Pure Light within you, Guide your Way

on, Guide your Way on. May the Long-

Time Sun shine upon us, May all Love

surround us, May the Pure Light within

us, Guide our Way on, Guide our Way


And know we are not alone. Reach

out any time! We are Humanity. Divine

Whole Humanity. I declare: Peace shall

prevail. For All. Here and Now and

Always, All Ways. And so it is. And so it

is. And so, it is. It’s done. It’s done. It’s

done. It’s done. In the name of the One

and All. Thank you, Mother. Thank you,

Father. Blessed be. Your Children. Us. All.

As Humanity is rebirthing itself, water

plays a key role in guiding us, informing

us, cleansing us and alchemizing us.

Water is liquid light and we at the

time of conception in the womb of our

Mother are liquid light containing our

pure divine original blueprint, our very

own unique geometry, that then forms

us into the physical human.

With the help of water, we

can reconnect to our purity and be

reborn into the divine human being

while remaining in the physical body.

Consciously working with water to

help restore its perfect flow, purity and

liquidity in all parts on Earth, feeling

liquid rainbow light flowing in, through

and around us, receiving water, sharing

water, blessing water, drinking highvibrational

water, immersing in water.

Calling upon our Water-Being, we

receive our Water-Crystal, our very

own unique divine crystalline geometry

into our deep Heart. Calling upon

Grandmother Whale, the whales and

dolphins, we travel as them into the

core of Mother Earth, into the Cave

of Creation to retrieve and receive

our Body Elemental, our Birth Crystal.

Calling upon the Ancestors and Futureones

of Nature, of us, we receive

Nature’s frequencies into our body to

heal us with Mother Earth together into


We can go there anytime from

anywhere in meditation, knowing that

we are always guided and protected

by our team of light beings and by Gaia

Sophia, Mother of all Creation herself.

Mother Earth, the living breathing

Being who came to this Galaxy to

form all Nature from her Elementals

and to be our Mother from lifetime to

lifetime, She is here to stay and endure

all that Humanity places on Her, while

we can choose to come and go. While

She is what sustains us and loves us

unconditionally, we have broken the

bridge with Her and abused Her. Now,

it is for us to restore that bridge, to love

and protect Her and to heal, rebirth and

live in resonant, reciprocal, respectful

relationship with Her. I bow to the

Embodied Divine Mother-Being that

She is. I bow to the Embodied Divine

Human-Being that you are. I bow to

the Embodied Divine Human-Being

that I am. I bow to the Embodied Divine

Humanity that we are. Bathing in a

Waterfall of Rainbow Water. Blessed

by the Universal Waters of the Divine

Mother, the Mother of all Creation. I

so love you, dear Sisters and Brothers.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Blessed be.

Gabi also means Coffee in

Taiwanese. Gabi loves coffee and the

Coffee plant who has graciously offered

itself as Gabi’s plant alley together with

the Orchids. Healthy living with

Gabi serves as a community

that connects and serves

Humanity and the Earth

in becoming well – holistically

and sustainably, individually

and collectively, in resonant,

reciprocal, respectful relationship

with Mother Earth and all Her Beings.

We integrate and share the Essentials

of Being Well: Sleep Well, Drink Well,

Eat Well, Move Well and hence

Regenerate Well through Embodied

Healing Practices, Regenerative

Living Practices and Tools, Nature

Frequency Therapy and Light Health

Medicine Technology. We are

taught and guided by our Highest

Self, the Elementals, Mother

Earth, Ascended Master Beings,

our Family of Light and Pure

Divine Original Source,

embodied, accompanying

each other Home into a

way of being and living

healthily in harmony with

Nature and all Life on Earth

and beyond, now and for

generations to come.






(Gabi) Seewald

20 l Mettavalokanaya l January l 2021 2021 l January l Mettavalokanaya l 21

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