
This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on January - 2021 Edition - 30. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed to Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide famous Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences and Forums. “Mettavalokanaya” International Monthly Buddhist Magazine has been awarded as the “2018 - The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” from Thailand as the World’s Best and Most popular Buddhist Magazine. The Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre is a registered Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka and has received many International accolades. Our publications are absolutely free of charge to general public. The magazine comprises of special articles on Buddhism written by leading Buddhist Monks from foreign countries. “Mettavalokanaya” is currently been published in English and includes full color 60 pages.

This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on January - 2021 Edition - 30. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed to Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide famous Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences and Forums. “Mettavalokanaya” International Monthly Buddhist Magazine has been awarded as the “2018 - The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” from Thailand as the World’s Best and Most popular Buddhist Magazine. The Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre is a registered Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka and has received many International accolades. Our publications are absolutely free of charge to general public. The magazine comprises of special articles on Buddhism written by leading Buddhist Monks from foreign countries. “Mettavalokanaya” is currently been published in English and includes full color 60 pages.


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After cooking porridge, rice,

or steamed buns (bread),

take out a small amount then

recite the Food Transformation

Mantra or the Six Syllable Mantra (om

mani padme hum), and place the food

outside on a windowsill or underneath

a tree. The food can be eaten by birds,

ants, and wandering animals; it can also

become the liberation food for hungry

ghost beings. Whatever our action s

are in the twenty four hours of each

day, they can all become the cause for

Buddhahood, cause for liberation, cause

for peace and happiness in future lives,


way of Clarity....

issues, lose heartfelt sincerity, then

the true Buddha nature within would

be devoid of as well. Buddha dharma

that make us feel that we are living in

a purified world. To be vegetarian is to

respect life, to live with compassion in

accordance with Mahayana Buddhism.

One who practices compassion leads

a life away from pressure and risk,

allowing happiness and propitiousness

to arise day and night. Having evergrowing

desires is analogous to a thirsty

man drinking up sea water. Instead

of quenching his thirst, the more sea

command oneself for the supreme

mental power, to go about doing good

deeds everyday, to care for people with

kindness and compassion everyday, if

every effort were made to carry these

exercises out, it would effect happiness

for this lifetime and the ensuing

lifetimes. The more impoverished one

is, the more one should practice giving.

Giving does not have to be in the form

of money. Offering water, incense, and

flowers to the Buddha then bestowing

them upon sentient beings are all very

good ways of giving. Avoid having the

每 次 在 您 煮 好 粥 , 做 好 米 飯 或 者 饅 頭 的

時 候 , 先 拿 出 一 點 來 , 念 變 食 咒 或 六 字 大 明

咒 , 放 在 窗 台 或 者 樓 下 的 樹 根 旁 , 小 鳥 、 螞

蟻 , 流 浪 的 動 物 可 以 吃 ; 也 可 成 為 餓 鬼 眾 生 的

解 脫 食 。 我 們 每 日 廿 四 小 時 的 所 有 行 為 , 每 一

項 都 可 以 變 成 成 佛 的 因 、 解 脫 的 因 、 來 世 安 樂

的 因 , 或 投 生 於 三 惡 趣 的 因 。 這 完 全 取 決 於 我

們 的 發 心 。 什 麼 是 修 行 ? 其 實 修 行 就 是 一 種 真

心 。 無 論 我 們 在 社 會 上 從 事 任 何 工 作 , 都 應 該

以 真 心 與 人 相 待 ; 如 果 我 們 只 會 戴 著 假 面 具 ,

對 人 、 對 事 都 是 以 虛 偽 對 待 , 失 去 了 真 心 , 也

就 失 去 了 佛 性 。

素 食 , 是 一 種 尊 重 生 命 的 善 行 , 更 是 長

養 慈 悲 的 大 乘 修 行 ! 日 常 生 活 中 就 能 實 踐 慈 悲

常 好 的 布 施 ; 千 萬 不 要 有 一 個 不 好 的 觀 念 :「

等 我 有 錢 我 再 來 布 施 」, 反 而 讓 自 己 更 沒 有

福 報 。 護 生 、 放 生 是 利 益 眾 生 最 直 接 的 善 行 ;

而 慈 悲 施 食 , 是 以 最 殊 勝 的 真 言 妙 法 , 救 護 一

切 沉 溺 於 三 塗 的 無 形 眾 生 。 救 護 生 命 與 慈 悲 施

食 , 都 是 最 直 接 利 益 眾 生 的 方 法 , 並 且 有 形 、

無 形 皆 具 。

Make your


or even cause for rebirth in the Three

Vile Realms (hell, ghostly, and animal

realms).This is completely up to what

arises from our minds.

What is Buddhist practice? In

fact, it’s a wholehearted mindset of

innocence, clarity, and heedfulness.

We should be wholehearted and

sincere in dealing with one another

regardless of whatsoever occupation

we hold in society. If we wear only a

deceitful mask, have a hypocritical

attitude in taking care of people and

water drank the worse he would suffer.

On the contrary, having attributes of

modesty and contentment is similar to

people attaining the mindset of ease

and grace. A state of no desires, no ifs

ands or buts, except blissful relaxation

and happiness forever.

Everyone is the engineer of their

own life, the engraver of their own

appearance, and the master of their

own fate. If you want to be happier,

please bring happiness to others and

the world with your best efforts. To

misconception of “I’ll start giving when

I have money”, which will actually

decrease our blessings. Saving and

liberating life are good deeds which

most directly benefit living beings. The

Buddhist Service of Compassionate

Food Bestowal, by invoking wondrous

Dharma and supreme mantras, protects

and saves all formless beings mired in

the lower three realms. This method,

along with protecting and saving lives,

are very direct ways of benefiting both

formed and formless beings.

心 的 人 , 他 的 生 活 必 然 能 夠 遠 離 緊 張 與 危 險 ,

晝 夜 六 時 恆 常 吉 祥 。 欲 望 越 多 , 就 像 口 渴 的

人 , 還 在 喝 海 水 一 樣 , 非 但 解 不 了 渴 , 反 而 會

越 喝 越 難 受 。 相 反 的 , 少 欲 知 足 的 人 , 就 像 擁

有 一 顆 輕 盈 自 在 的 心 靈 , 不 受 欲 望 的 拘 束 ,

永 遠 輕 鬆 快 樂 。 每 個 人 都 是 自 己 生 命 的 工 程

師 , 都 是 自 己 外 表 的 雕 刻 師 , 都 是 自 己 命 運 的

主 人 , 如 果 希 望 自 己 過 得 更 快 樂 , 那 就 努 力 的

製 造 快 樂 給 別 人 、 給 世 界 吧 ! 掌 握 自 己 的 心 在

最 好 的 狀 態 , 每 一 天 都 做 好 事 , 每 一 天 都 慈

悲 , 如 果 努 力 去 實 踐 , 這 一 輩 子 快 樂 、 來 生 也

快 樂 。 越 貧 窮 越 要 布 施 , 布 施 不 光 是 錢 而 已 ,

用 水 、 香 、 花 等 等 供 佛 、 下 施 眾 生 , 這 也 是 非


Most Venerable

Master Hai Tao

8 l Mettavalokanaya l January l 2021 2021 l January l Mettavalokanaya l 9

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