
This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on January - 2021 Edition - 30. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed to Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide famous Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences and Forums. “Mettavalokanaya” International Monthly Buddhist Magazine has been awarded as the “2018 - The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” from Thailand as the World’s Best and Most popular Buddhist Magazine. The Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre is a registered Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka and has received many International accolades. Our publications are absolutely free of charge to general public. The magazine comprises of special articles on Buddhism written by leading Buddhist Monks from foreign countries. “Mettavalokanaya” is currently been published in English and includes full color 60 pages.

This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on January - 2021 Edition - 30. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed to Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide famous Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences and Forums. “Mettavalokanaya” International Monthly Buddhist Magazine has been awarded as the “2018 - The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” from Thailand as the World’s Best and Most popular Buddhist Magazine. The Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre is a registered Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka and has received many International accolades. Our publications are absolutely free of charge to general public. The magazine comprises of special articles on Buddhism written by leading Buddhist Monks from foreign countries. “Mettavalokanaya” is currently been published in English and includes full color 60 pages.


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People today are restless,

weary, filled with fear and

discontentment. They are

intoxicated with the desire to

gain fame, wealth and power. They

crave for gratification of the senses.

People are passing their days in fear,

suspicion and insecurity. In this time of

turmoil and crisis, it becomes difficult

for people to coexist peacefully with

their fellow beings. There is therefore,

a great need for tolerance and

understanding in the world so that

peaceful co-existence among the people

of the world can be possible. The world

has bled and suffered from the disease

of dogmatism and of intolerance. The

soil of many countries today is soaked

with the blood spilled on the altar

of various political struggles, as the

skies of earlier millennia were covered

with the smoke of burning martyrs of

various faiths. Whether in religion or

politics people have been conscious of

a mission to achieve power and have

been aggressive towards other ways

of life. Indeed, the intolerance of the

crusading spirit has spoiled the records

of religions.

Let us look back at the past century

of highly publicized ‘Progress’—a

century of gadgets and inventions. The

array of new scientific and technical

inventions is dazzling—telephones,

electric motors, airplanes, radios,

television, computers, spaceships,

satellites and electronic devices. Yet,

in the same century the children of the

earth who have developed all these

inventions as the ultimate in progress,

were the same people who butchered

millions of others with bayonets or

bullets or bombs. Amidst all the great

‘progress’, where did the spirit of


Most Venerable Datuk

Kirinde Dhammaratana

Nayaka Maha Thero

tolerance stand? Where is the love that

many religions preach? Today, people

are interested in exploring outer space.

But they are totally unable to live as

neighbors in peace and harmony on

the earth. The fear that humans will

eventually desecrate the moon and

other planets is today very real.

For the sake of material gain,

modern people violate nature. Their

mental activities are so preoccupied

with satisfying their pleasure that

they are unable to focus on or even

understand the purpose of life. This

unnatural behavior of present human

beings is the result of their wrong

conception of human life and its aim.

We create more the frustration, fear,

insecurity, intolerance and violence. In

fact, today intolerance is still practiced

in the name of religion. People merely

talk of religion and promise to provide

short cuts to paradise, they are not

interested in practicing it. If Christians

live by the Sermon on the Mount, if

Buddhists follow the Noble Eightfold

Path, if Muslims really follow the

concept of Brotherhood and if the

Hindus shape their life in oneness,

there will be peace and harmony in

this world. Despite these invaluable

Teachings of the great religious

teachers, people have still not realized

the value of tolerance. The intolerance

that is practiced in the name of religion

is most disgraceful and deplorable. The

Buddha’s advice is ‘Let us live happily,

not hating those who hate us. Among

those who hate us, let us live free from

hatred. Let us live happily and free

from ailment. Let us live happily and be

free from greed; among those who are

greedy’. (DHAMMAPADA 197, 200). The

Buddha was the embodiment of all the

virtues that He preached. During His

successful and eventful ministry of 45

years, He translated all His words into

actions. At no time did He ever show

any human frailty or any base passion.

The Buddha’s moral code is the most

perfect the world has ever known.

For more than 25 centuries, millions

of people have found inspiration and

solace in His Teaching. His greatness still

shines today like a sun that outshines

the glow of lesser lights. His Teachings

still beckon the weary pilgrim

to the security and peace of

Nirvana. No other person has

sacrificed so much worldly

comfort for the sake of

suffering humanity. The

Buddha was among the

first religious leaders in

human history to admonish

against animal sacrifice

for any reason and to

appeal to people not to

harm any living creature.

To the Buddha, religion

was not a contractual

agreement between a

divinity and man but a

way to enlightenment. He did not want

followers with blind faith; He wanted

followers who could think freely and

wisely and work out their own salvation.

The entire human race has been blessed

with His presence. There was never an

occasion when the Buddha expressed

any unfriendliness towards a single

person. Not even to His opponents and

worst enemies did the Buddha express

any unfriendliness. There were a few

prejudiced minds who turned

against the Buddha

and who tried to kill

Him; yet the Buddha

never treated them

as enemies. The

Buddha once said,

‘As an elephant

in the battlefield

endures the

arrows that are

shot into him,

so will I endure

the abuse

and unfriendly


of others.’


In the annals of history, no man

is recorded as having so consecrated

himself to the welfare of all living

beings as the Buddha did. From the

hour of His Enlightenment to the

end of His Life, He strove tirelessly to

elevate mankind. He slept only two

hours a day. Though 25 centuries have

gone since the passing away of this

great Teacher, His message of love

and wisdom still exists in its pristine

purity. This message is still decisively

influencing the destinies of humanity.

He was the most Compassionate One

who illuminated this world with lovingkindness.

After attaining Nirvana, the

Buddha left a deathless message that

is still with us. Today we are confronted

by the terrible threat to world peace.

At no time in the history of the world

is His message more needed than it is

now. The Buddha was born to dispel the

darkness of ignorance and to show the

world how to get rid of suffering and

disease, decay and death and all the

worries and miseries of living beings.

(Tribute to Most Venerable Dr. Kirinde

Sri Dhammananda Maha Thero)

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56 l Mettavalokanaya l January l 2021 2021 l January l Mettavalokanaya l 57

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