Dental Asia May/June 2018

For more than two decades, Dental Asia is the premium journal in linking dental innovators and manufacturers to its rightful audience. We devote ourselves in showcasing the latest dental technology and share evidence-based clinical philosophies to serve as an educational platform to dental professionals. Our combined portfolio of print and digital media also allows us to reach a wider market and secure our position as the leading dental media in the Asia Pacific region while facilitating global interactions among our readers.

For more than two decades, Dental Asia is the premium journal in linking dental innovators
and manufacturers to its rightful audience. We devote ourselves in showcasing the latest dental technology and share evidence-based clinical philosophies to serve as an educational platform to dental professionals. Our combined portfolio of print and digital media also allows us to reach a wider market and secure our position as the leading dental media in the Asia Pacific region while facilitating global interactions among our readers.

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<strong>Dental</strong> Updates<br />

CS 8100SC 3D Wins <strong>2018</strong> Edison Award for its Innovative Design<br />

The CS 8100SC 3D<br />

e x t r a o r a l i m a g i n g s y s t e m b y<br />

Carestream <strong>Dental</strong> has been awarded a<br />

bronze <strong>2018</strong> Edison Award in the category of<br />

<strong>Dental</strong>/Medical Digital Imaging by the<br />

internationally renowned Edison Awards.<br />

T h e d i s t i n g u i s h e d a w a r d , i n s p i r e d b y<br />

Thomas Edison’s persistence and<br />

inventiveness, recognises innovation,<br />

creativity and ingenuity in the global<br />

economy.<br />

“It’s exciting to see companies<br />

l i k e C a r e s t r e a m D e n t a l c o n t i n u i n g<br />

Thomas Edison’s legacy of challenging<br />

c o n v e n t i o n a l t h i n k i n g , ” s a i d<br />

Mr. Frank Bonafilia, executive director,<br />

Edison Awards. “Edison Awards recognises<br />

the game-changing products and services,<br />

and the teams that brought them to<br />

consumers.”<br />

The award was announced on 11 th April<br />

<strong>2018</strong>, at the Edison Awards Annual Gala,<br />

held in the historic ballroom of The Capitale<br />

in New York City, N.Y. Mr. Matthew Greer,<br />

regional product manager for extraoral<br />

imaging, was in attendance to accept the<br />

award on Carestream <strong>Dental</strong>’s behalf.<br />

“Carestream <strong>Dental</strong> always strives<br />

to deliver innovative technology that<br />

s u p p o r t s d o c t o r s i n t h e i r d i a g n o s e s , ”<br />

Ed Shellard, D.M.D., chief dental ocer,<br />

Carestream <strong>Dental</strong> said. “Winning a bronze<br />

<strong>2018</strong> Edison Award reinforces that the<br />

company is meeting the needs of doctors<br />

and their patients around the world.”<br />

To earn a bronze <strong>2018</strong> Edison Award,<br />

the CS 8100SC 3D was judged on its concept<br />

and development, value and impact on the<br />

industry.<br />

The CS 8100SC 3D oers two-dimensional<br />

panoramic imaging, cephalometric imaging,<br />

cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)<br />

imaging and model/impression scanning<br />

all in one compact system. Its minimal<br />

f o o t p r i n t a n d a f f o r d a b i l i t y m a k e s<br />

3D imaging available to smaller practices<br />

that either couldn’t aord or didn’t have<br />

space for an extraoral imaging system in<br />

the past. That means doctors can go from<br />

diagnosis to treatment faster, without<br />

having to send patients to an imaging<br />

centre. Not only is the system more<br />

convenient, but it’s also faster—featuring<br />

the fastest scanning cephalometric<br />

m o d u l e o n t h e m a r k e t — a n d s a f e r . T h e<br />

CS 8100SC 3D’s low dose program can<br />

deliver 3D imaging at a dose equal to or<br />

lower than panoramic imaging.<br />

“The success of the CS 8100SC 3D<br />

began more than a decade ago with<br />

the initial development of the awardwinning<br />

CS 8100,” Dr. Shellard said. “That<br />

one system would eventually grow a<br />

‘family’ of units, all with dierent imaging<br />

capabilities. The CS 8100SC 3D represents<br />

Carestream <strong>Dental</strong>’s ultimate goal<br />

by combining the best features of<br />

its predecessor systems into one<br />

multifunctional solution making it a costeective,<br />

powerful imaging available for<br />

more doctors.”<br />

Edison Award nominees are judged<br />

by more than 3,000 senior business<br />

executives and academics from across<br />

th e n a ti o n , wh o se vo tes a c kn o wledg e th e<br />

CS 8100SC 3D’s success in meeting the<br />

organisation’s stringent criteria of quality.<br />

The voting panel includes members of:<br />

Chief Marketing Officer Council (CMO);<br />

Design Management Institute (DMI);<br />

American Productivity & Quality Center<br />

(APQC); American Society of Mechanical<br />

Engineers (ASME); Georgia State Marketing<br />

Roundtable (GSU); Product Development<br />

and Management Association (PDMA);<br />

Association of Technology Management<br />

a n d A p p l i e d E n g i n e e r i n g ( AT M A E ) ; p a s t<br />

Edison Award winners; marketing<br />

professionals; scientists; designers;<br />

engineers; and academics. <br />

Henry Schein Buys 50% of Ortho2<br />

Henry Schein Inc, Melville, NY, and<br />

Ortho2, Ames, Iowa, have signed a<br />

den i t i v e a g r e e m e n t a i m e d a t i n c r e a s i n g<br />

Henry Schein’s position in the orthodontic<br />

practice management software market. As<br />

a result of the denitive agreement signed<br />

by the two companies, Henry Schein will<br />

own a 50% interest in Ortho2.<br />

“We welcome our new Ortho2<br />

colleagues to Henry Schein, and look forward<br />

t o c o n t i n u e d s u c c e s s t o g e t h e r , ” s a i d<br />

Mr. Stanley M. Bergman, chairman of<br />

the board and chief executive oce r o f<br />

Henry Schein. “With this investment in<br />

Ortho2, we round out our dental software<br />

portfolio and gain a leadership position<br />

in orthodontist practice management<br />

software. This transaction supports our<br />

to advanced technology, and to<br />

category leadership. We look forward to<br />

oering advanced software solutions to<br />

orthodontists, just as we currently do to<br />

general practice dentists.”<br />

Founded in 1982 by Mr. Dan Sargent and<br />

Dr. William Iversen, Ortho2 currently has a<br />

sta of over 70 and oers the Edge Cloud<br />

practice management solution, as well<br />

as ViewPoint, a Windows-based software<br />

option. According to a press release,<br />

Ortho2 serves nearly 1,700 orthodontists<br />

in approximately 2,400 locations, and had<br />

recorded revenues of $14 million.<br />

“We are delighted to be joining forces<br />

with Henry Schein,” said Ms. Amy Schmidt,<br />

president, Ortho2. “We’re proud of what<br />

we’ve accomplished in our 35 years as<br />

The ongoing technology explosion<br />

and evolving orthodontic market now<br />

m a kes j o i n i n g fo rc es wi th Hen ry Sc h ei n a<br />

win-win for us and, most signicantly, for<br />

o u r c u s t o m e r s . T h e a b i l i t y t o l e v e r a g e<br />

Henry Schein’s comprehensive ecosystem<br />

will allow us to offer a turnkey solution<br />

including software, digital imaging,<br />

equipment, supplies, and many other<br />

benefits to our current and future<br />

customers.”<br />

“Practice management software is<br />

the backbone of an efficient, profitable<br />

practice,” Mr. Bergman added. “Henry Schein<br />

embraces an open architecture approach<br />

to all software and advanced technology,<br />

which allows for the purchase of products<br />

and services that best meet the needs of<br />

each individual practice.” <br />

commitment to dental specialty markets, a c o m p l e t e l y i n d e p e n d e n t c o m p a n y .<br />

14 DENTAL ASIA<br />

MAY / JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

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