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unknown battLeground

Mr. T. Kuruvilla

When I thought of writing this article, the word “MI-

NORITIES" came to my mind. In our case, we the Christians

are minority in our country. Fighting for the rights

of the community is the real battle since long and very

fierce now. We certainly must not have the way of Jesus

who neither adopted violence as a strategy, nor countenanced

it among His disciples. But he never hesitated to

asked" can any of you prove me guilty of sin?". When he

was on trial on trumped up charges, He knew that it

would be nothing but mockery of Justice. He openly

asked the rulers why they question Him. While giving certain

defiant answers He was slapped. Jesus no doubt did

not rise up in arms to fight the injustice but neither would

he allow them the luxury of an untroubled conscience by

letting the injustice go unchallenged. He did then was to

engage in “law talk".

We all have faith in our religion and in it's doctrine. e

total freedom to practice our faith within a specific framework

is the real necessity for which we are closely linked

with the Constitution of our land in which “Fundamental

Rights" are clearly outlined. e word fundamental is

a loaded one. It implies that the given rights are basic, essential

and foundational. While following, implementing

the teachings of our Lord, all those involved are forced to


safeguard the liberty of the human spirit against the involvement

of “other forces".

All those who are in the ministry of the Lord are directly

or indirectly discriminated on the basis of religion. His servants

are to confront many hurdles to keep the constitutional

agreement on the freedom of speech, assembly, association,

movement, residence and occupation in addition

to protection of life and personal liberty. Hostility is inevitable

when we follow Jesus.

Many religious groups may oppose us. We ourselves will

be blamed. We the Christians have the assurance that

God is in control of everything. He says "I AM WHO I

AM". He is constant. Does not give up on us. Does not

desert us. Another fact is the "CROSS". It has been under

stood in many ways. Some people think of it as a Christian

symbol. As such it has only ornamental value. It is

placed on top of the worship places or worn as a pentagon

a chain. Others think of their little sins such as bad

temper. Someone suffering from chronic illness mention

it as a cross.


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