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Most Rev. omas K Oommen

CSI Moderator & Bishop

Dear Youngsters of Church of South India,

With great and cheerful heart I am extending my ardent greeting to you on this celebrating occasion

of the second National Youth Conference.

e Church is been called to be the ray of hope in these cynical times. In these unjust times, to be

the witness of Christ is to be counted as privilege as a church. Like a fresh brook in the desert, the

church should quench the thirst of many. For that the youth of the church has a vital role. Unless

we seek the truth and do the justice, we fail to become a blessing to many. Jesus Christ meets the

men and women of every age with the same words: ‘You will know the truth and the truth will make

you free’ (Jn 8:32). ese words contain both a fundamental requirement and a warning: the requirement

of an honest relationship to truth as a condition for authentic freedom, and the warning

to avoid every kind of illusory freedom, every superficial unilateral freedom, every freedom that fails

to enter into the whole truth about the human being and the world. is message still speaks to this


I am honored to convey my wishes and prayers to all the delegates from all over India who belong

to Church of South India. I congratulate Rev. T. T. Santhosh, all other office bearers of the National

Youth Conference and the Church Committee members of Immanuel CSI Malayalam Church for

their admirable efforts in conducting the Synod Youth Conference.

With prayerful regards,

†e Most Rev. omas K. Oommen

CSI Moderator & Kottayam

Bishop in Madhya Kerala Diocese

12 th October 2019



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