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The Salon Lichfield<br />

Welcome their new stylist Jemma<br />

Jemma brings a wealth of hairdressing experience to ‘The Salon’<br />

having spent the last 12 years as a ‘hairdressing educator’. Working<br />

alongside the award winning Wella colouring stylist Ricky Harding<br />

MCE and his partner Deborah Morgan, Jemma, who was initially<br />

trained at one of the industry’s best known salons, will add her own<br />

considerable hairdressing skills and artistic flair to the team. Jemma<br />

will be in the salon every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.<br />

20% off when you recommend a friend<br />

3 Bolt Court, Lichfield WS13 6LA - 07583559128<br />

Based in the heart of Staffordshire in the picturesque<br />

villages of Alrewas & Tutbury, our shops are packed<br />

with ideas and inspiration for your home. Incorporating<br />

Jo Raybould Interior Design within, for those who<br />

require the services of a professional designer.<br />

needwoodliving.co.uk<br />

info@needwoodliving.co.uk<br />

136 Main Street<br />

Alrewas, DE13 7ED<br />

01283 711 272<br />

7A High Street,<br />

Tutbury, DE13 9LP<br />

01283 813 322<br />

アパート 夀 䔀 䄀 刀 匀 伀 䘀<br />

䈀 䔀 匀 倀 伀 䬀 䔀 䘀 䤀 一 䔀 䨀 䔀 圀 䔀 䰀 䰀 䔀 刀 夀 ꀀ<br />

Specialists in designing<br />

and making, remodelling<br />

and refurbishing<br />

伀 渀 攀 漀 昀 琀 栀 攀 氀 愀 爀 最 攀 猀 琀 挀 漀 氀 氀 攀 挀 琀 椀 漀 渀 猀 漀 昀<br />

挀 漀 渀 琀 攀 洀 瀀 漀 爀 愀 爀 礀 ǻ 渀 攀 樀 攀 眀 攀 氀 氀 攀 爀 礀 椀 渀 琀 栀 攀 唀 䬀<br />

匀 瀀 攀 挀 椀 愀 氀 椀 猀 琀 猀 椀 渀 搀 攀 猀 椀 最 渀 椀 渀 最 愀 渀 搀 洀 愀 欀 椀 渀 最 Ⰰ<br />

爀 攀 洀 漀 搀 攀 氀 氀 椀 渀 最 愀 渀 搀 爀 攀 昀 甀 爀 戀 椀 猀 栀 椀 渀 最 昀 漀 爀 アパート 礀 攀 愀 爀 猀<br />

ALLEN 䄀 䰀 䰀 䔀 一 䈀 BROWN 刀 伀 圀 一 䨀 JEWELLERY<br />

䔀 圀 䔀 䰀 䰀 䔀 刀 夀<br />

䠀 Heart 攀 愀 爀 琀 漀 of 昀 吀 The 栀 攀 䌀 Country 漀 甀 渀 琀 爀 礀 匀 Shopping 栀 漀 瀀 瀀 椀 渀 最 Village 嘀 椀 氀 氀 愀 最 攀<br />

匀 Swinfen, 眀 椀 渀 昀 攀 渀 Ⰰ Lichfield, 䰀 椀 挀 栀 ǻ 攀 氀 搀 Ⰰ<br />

匀 Staffordshire 琀 愀 昀 昀 漀 爀 搀 猀 栀 椀 爀 攀 WS14 圀 匀 㐀 9QR 㤀 儀 刀<br />

01543 㔀 㐀 アパート 㐀 481948 㠀 㤀 㐀 㠀<br />

眀 www.allenbrownjewellery.co.uk<br />

眀 眀 ⸀ 愀 氀 氀 攀 渀 戀 爀 漀 眀 渀 樀 攀 眀 攀 氀 氀 攀 爀 礀 ⸀ 挀 漀 ⸀ 甀 欀<br />

昀 椀 琀

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