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What’s so funny?

8 Read and listen


CD3 T27 Why do Amy and Lily laugh when Jack and Nick arrive?

Read, listen and check your ideas.


Nick: Hi, Amy. Lily.

Jack: Hi, you two.

Amy: Hello.

Jack: What’s so funny?

Lily: Nothing – honestly.

Nick: Well, what were you talking about? You’ve got big

wide grins on your faces!

Lily: Oh, this and that. You know, just chatting.

Amy: We were talking about thriller films. We’re thinking

of watching one. Want to join us?

Nick: Yeah, count me in.

Jack: Sure. I haven’t seen a good film for far too long. Got anything in mind?

Lily: Well, there was one film we were thinking about …

Amy: But I’ve seen it – and anyway, it’d be far too scary for you two!

Nick: Do you want to bet? There’s never been a horror film that I didn’t watch all the way through.

Jack: Take it easy, Nick – I think she’s pulling your leg!

Nick: Oh. Right. Sorry!

Amy: Hmm, I’m so tired. Been revising too much, I think.

Lily: Me too. Let’s take a break. We could watch a film

together later.

Amy: Could do. But, what do you mean? At the cinema or

shall we rent a DVD or something?

Lily: I’m easy. Depends what’s on and what kind of thing you

want to see.

Amy: Oh, I’m not bothered really. Whatever. I just love films.

Lily: Anything, as long as it’s good?

Amy: Yeah.

Lily: That’s my motto too. Though h I’m kind of into suspense movies. You know, thrillers, things to make you

bite your nails!

Amy: Me too. There was one on TV the other night, ah, what was it called? It’s on the tip of my tongue.

It’s a pretty old film. It’s about four guys from the city going on a weekend fishing trip on a river

somewhere. Oh, I remember now – it’s called Deliverance.

Lily: Oh yeah, that rings a bell. But I don’t think I’ve seen it.

Amy: You should! I mean, if you want scary, it’s seriously scary! I was on the edge of my seat the

whole time.

Lily: Why? What happens?

Amy: Oh, well, the four guys kind of get lost. And … well, there’s one bit where the guys are in the woods,

they’re trying to find how to get back to the river, and then ……suddenly these two really weird-looking

guys appear …



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