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Usin fame to help

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Reduced d relative clauses

Vocabulary: fame

Question tags review Vocabulary: expressing opinions

a Look at the photos. Do you recognise the people?

What do they have in common? Read the text

quickly and find out.



A Lionel Messi became a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador

in March 2010. What does that mean, you ask? Read on and find out!

In the 1950s, the United Nations had an idea: why not use celebrities

to help promote children’s rights? So they created the idea of UNICEF

(the UN children’s fund) ambassadors. Ever since then, hundreds of

sports, music and film stars have been seen spreading the word for

the international peace organisation at photo calls all over the world.

B A lot of stars are brought in independently by the various UN

agencies. The UN Development Programme uses Ronaldo, the Brazilian

footballer, to draw people’s attention to poor children. And the refugee

agency UNHCR uses Angelina Jolie to focus on people made homeless

because of war. These days, Angelina is probably as famous for her

humanitarian work as she is for her acting!

C But perhaps the agency most represented by the stars is UNICEF.

There are lots of stars who are Goodwill Ambassadors for UNICEF: for

example, footballer David Beckham, singer Shakira and actor Susan

Sarandon. There are also celebrities used to promote one-off projects

every now and then: pop singer Robbie Williams has given several

concerts for UNICEF even though he isn’t a Goodwill Ambassador.

The UN has got offices in more than 200 countries, so of course

it’s important that they are represented by an international mix of

celebrities. And some of their most important stars, like West African

singer, Angélique Kidjo, aren’t exactly household names in many parts

of the world.

D They have to be very careful to choose the right people. UNICEF

looks for celebrities who haven’t just made it big, but who are also

probably going to stay famous for quite a few years to come. ‘We can’t

have someone who has just enjoyed success for a few minutes and

then disappeared,’ a spokeswoman said. In the same way, the star

has to want to do more than just look caring in front of the cameras.

‘Our celebrities do it because they really care about children,’ says the

spokeswoman. ‘They should have the power to draw the cameras but

without wanting the attention for themselves.’

So, now you know – that’s what Goodwill Ambassadors do!


Messi is …

an internationally

famous footballer.

What he does:

Messi supports access to

education and health care for

vulnerable children.

What he says:

‘I feel grateful to UNICEF for this

chance to give support to children.

I hope that in my role as a global

Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF

I will be able to support children

who need our help.’


Goldberg is …

an international

film star, producer

and TV host.

What she does:

Using her popularity and interest

in children’s issues, Goldberg

promotes health for all children

around the world.

What she says:

‘We have to think about how

health issues affect children in

every country.’



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