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Unit 8

may be or maybe

It may be cheaper to fly, but I’d rather go

by train when possible.

may = modal verb + be = main verb p

two words

Maybe we could go to the cinema for

your birthday.

maybe = adverb (like perhaps, possibly) p

one word

Complete the sentences using may be

or maybe.

1 She loves travelling, so maybe a suitcase

would be a good present.

2 It quite cold in the evenings, so bring

something warm to wear.

3 In some cases, it difficult to find the

exact cause of the problem.

4 If you don’t like horror films, another

film would be better.

5 Some experts believe that genes

responsible for our personality.

6 The chances of success are only 20%.

Unit 9


The language you learn as a young child is your

first language, your native language or your

mother tongue.

I’m from Argentina and my mother tongue is

Spanish. Not …my mother language …

She gave the speech in her native language,


You can call a language that you learn later a

second language or a foreign language. Or you

can just say that you speak English, German,

Chinese, etc.

The school specialises in teaching foreign


My first language is English, but I also speak

Russian. Not I also speak Russian language

Match the two parts of the sentences

1 We use English at

school, but my first

2 Many Swiss people

can speak both French

3 My family are from

Martinique and

my mother

4 At university, I studied

two foreign

5 My parents learnt

English as a second

6 In Norway, children

start learning English

Unit 0

In my opinion …

a languages: Italian

and Greek.

b language is Hindi.

c language when

they moved to

the US.

d from the age

of six.

e and German


You can use a number of fixed phrases to

express your opinion.

In my opinion, celebrities shouldn’t get

involved in politics. Not For/To my opinion …

To my mind, the most important thing is to get

a balanced diet. Not In my mind …

As far as I’m concerned, advertising on

websites isn’t a problem. I just ignore it.

As far as I’m concerned is usually used to talk

about things that directly affect you, not more

general issues.

You don’t normally use these phrases before

a verb that shows an opinion: think, believe,

agree, disagree, like, prefer.

Personally, I don’t like people using mobiles on

the train or bus.

Not In my opinion, I don’t like …

Are these sentences correct? Put a tick ()

or a cross (). Correct any errors.

1 In my mind, both parents should be involved

in childcare. To my mind …

2 In my opinion, it’s up to parents to monitor

what films their children watch.

3 As far as I concern, the new system is a huge


4 To my mind, I disagree with fast food

advertising aimed at children.

5 E-books, for my opinion, will never replace

printed books.

6 This film, as far as I’m concerned, is the best

one he’s ever made.


tongue is French.



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