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4 Pronunciation

Sentence stress and rhythm

CD1 T13

Turn to page 110.


CD1 T14 Listen to Clara, Kate and James

talking about the funniest people they

know. Put the pictures in the order you hear

about them.

5 Speak

Work in small groups. Discuss the


1 Agree on the four qualities you think are

most important in a friend.

2 For each quality, think of a famous person

(a film star, singer, politician, etc.) who you

think has this quality.

3 Think about someone you have met. What

was your first impression of them? Has your

first impression changed since you got to

know the person better?

6 Listen

A friend should be sympathetic.

Why is that?

For me it is more important

that someone is ... than ...

Well, let me give you an

example: once I was ...

When I first met my brother’s new

girlfriend she came across as a bit shallow.

But she isn’t like that at all. Once you get

to know her, you realise that she’s a very

interesting person, just a little shy.

a Look at the drawings and the photo. Each

one has got to do with a practical joke or

something funny someone said. What and

who do the pictures show? Can you guess

what the jokes are about?


CD1 T14 Listen again and take notes to

find answers to these questions:

1 What kind of jokes does Clara’s uncle love?

2 Clara gives three examples of what he put in

the walnuts. What are they?

3 Who is Mr Simmons?

4 What did Jack need in order to play his

practical joke on Mr Simmons?

5 How did Mr Simmons react?

6 What does James’s sister think about her

dad’s love of cars?

7 What practical joke did she play on her dad

one day?

8 What did Groucho Marx say about the

educational value of TV?

9 What did he say about honesty?

d Compare your answers with a partner.

Discussion box

1 Which of the jokes from the listening

did you find the funniest?

2 What problems could playing

practical jokes on people cause?

3 Give an example of a practical joke

you or someone you know has

played on someone else.

4 Not all jokes work in another

language. Can you think of a joke

that works in English but not in your

language? Tell the others.




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