Students Book

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Welcome section D

Read and listen

Grammar: make / let / be allowed to; modals of deduction (past)

Vocabulary: television; anger

a Read the dialogue and find out why Dana and Emily are upset.

Emily: What’s up with Dana? I asked her if I

could borrow her red shoes and she nearly

bit my head off!

Mum: It’s not you she’s cross with. It’s your

dad. She’s mad at him because he forgot to

record the latest episode of her favourite

serial. You know, that one set in a hospital.

Emily: Casualty! She must have been furious.

That’s her favourite TV show.

Mum: She was. She’s refusing to speak to him.

Emily: Well, it’s her own fault. Why does she

make him do everything for her? She should

learn how to set the recorder on the DVD

player herself.

Mum: Well, you know your dad. He won’t let

anyone mess with his TV control.

Emily: I suppose you’re right. No one’s allowed

to touch his remote control. Anyway, can’t

she watch it on the computer?

Mum: Well, she could, if the computer was



Emily: What? It’s not working? Why not?

Mum: I’m not sure. It might have been

something I did while I was tidying up.

Emily: What do you mean?

Mum: Well, I accidentally knocked over a

vase with water in it. It went all over the

computer. And then it just stopped working.

Emily: What? The computer was on?

Mum: Well, no. But I switched it on to check

and it sort of just sparked a bit and then the

screen never came on.

Emily: You switched on a wet computer?

Don’t you know anything about water and


Mum: I know. It wasn’t a great idea. I can’t have

been thinking straight. I’m sorry.

Emily: Well, that’s just great. How am I going to

chat with my friends now? And what about

my homework? I’ve got three compositions

to write.

Mum: What about pen and paper? It worked

fine for me when I was at school.

Emily: Ha, ha, Mum, that’s really funny.

Honestly, I don’t know how I’m supposed

to do anything in this family. Thanks a lot,


Mum: It was an accident. We’ll get it fixed.

Don’t worry.

Emily: That’ll take weeks. I’m off to bed. I’ve

had enough of this house.

Mum: Oh, the pleasures of having teenage


CD1 T05 Read the dialogue again and

listen. Who...

1 did Dana shout at for no real reason?

2 is Dana angry with?

3 doesn’t like people messing with the TV?

4 broke the computer?

5 needs the computer to do homework?

6 is Emily mad at?



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