Issue No.26

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Musketeers, Romans, Vikings, magic

There are several full scale shows at Puy du

Fou covering different eras of French history

from the Romans to the early 20th century. I

started my first day with musketeers at the

Mousquetaire de Richelieu show which

takes place inside a monumental theatre –

where you’ll see the world’s largest stage

curtain. From the very start the audience are

drawn in with a warm up act that has

everyone cheering, there are sword fights

and flamenco dancing in this swashbuckling

show but the real stars for me are the pure

white dancing horses, so beautiful they

bought tears to my eyes. And when the

entire stage, 2,500m₂, fills with water and

sprinkling fountains – you won’t believe

your eyes.

Then it was on to meet the Romans. I

walked down a dusty track to enter a fullsized

Gallo-Roman coliseum which has an air

of authenticity that I really didn’t expect. A

Roman guard appeared, the crowd boo’d.

When the gladiators appeared there were

wild cheers. The show is about a Roman

guard who falls in love with a slave girl and

becomes a gladiator. It involves herds of

ostriches, geese, camels and even big cats. In

one scene, a wagon full of slaves is covered

with tarpaulin and a tiger, yes a real one,

enters the top of it followed by the sound of

screaming. Don’t worry no humans are


When the gladiators fight and stab each

other, there’s plenty of fake blood flowing.

There are chariot races complete with

crashes. As I said, this isn’t Disney. It doesn’t

pretend to be the real thing, it’s not

pretentious, but it is marvellously realistic

where it can be! The crowd loved it. Kids

were jumping up and down giving the

thumbs up and thumbs down. Brilliant.

The Viking show involved a burning boat and

fabulous horse riding skills. There were

trained wolves, and an astonishing 20m long

boat rising from the water.

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