Issue No.26

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Feeling purified and blessed by holy spirits, I

descend the Grand Escalier into the town

centre of Rocamadour. To left and right it

appears as one long corridor lined with

hotels, shops, restaurants and residences. In

the Middle Ages, this narrow strip of road

would have been crowded with pilgrims, as

well as a support system including mills,

hospitals and defence gates of this holy site.

Much of the village along Rue de la

Couronnerie, the main artery through town,

remains unchanged in layout. There has

though been restoration work to the

facades that has eroded over time, and only

Salmon Gate remain its original features.

I rest my feet and take dinner on the

outdoor terrace of Restaurant Le Terminus

Des Pélerins overlooking the Alzou valley.

The food is so tempting I can't resist the

walnut cake that is the speciality of the

region, and platter of local cheese. Small

rounds of young goats cheese that bear the

same name as the town. While it isn’t

strictly from Rocamadour itself, I can now

confidently say, I’ve had Rocamadour in


Many day visitors return to the cliff top to

join their coaches, however I plan to stay

the night, watching the shadows play

around the valley by the glow of the dipping


Craning my neck and looking up towards

the churches and the castle above, I am

suddenly filled with a sense of awe. I

imagine the pilgrims, coming through the

gates on either side of the village

encountering the majestic power of

architecture and height, you can see how

they were persuaded by stories of miracles.

I ponder the steep stairs upwards and

consider whether I’d be dedicated enough

to climb it on my knees.

No. I decide that's not for me, I have further

to travel and need my legs for my onward


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