Issue No.26

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bring it to life.

The City of Tears, the second of the four

novels in The Burning Chambers Series, will

be published 14 January 2021 and is

available for pre-order now. Kate Mosse

suggested that we recommend you preorder

from small and independent

bookshops to give them - and our high

streets - much needed support in these

challenging times.

The City of Tears summary: Minou Joubert

and her family are in Paris in August 1572

for the Royal Wedding, an alliance between

the Catholic Crown and the Huguenot King

of Navarre intended to bring peace to France

after a decade of religious wars. So too is

their oldest enemy, Vidal, still in pursuit of a

relic that will change the course of history.

But within days of the marriage, a massacre

will take place and thousands will lie dead in

the streets. Minou’s beloved family will be

scattered to the four winds...

A gripping, breath-taking novel of revenge,

persecution and love, what it means to lose a

child, the action sweeps from Puivert, Paris

and Chartres to the city of tears itself,


And that is the joy of historical research. It

brings a place to life so that people can see a

modern setting in a new light: for example, I

went to Le Tour Saint-Jacques de la

Boucherie in the 4th arrondisement where,

once, Christians congregated at the start of

their long pilgrimage down to Tours and

through France, across the Pyrenees to

Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain.

The church is long gone - destroyed during

the Revolution - but the tower itself

remains. As I stood there, in my head I could

hear the crunching of the shells underfoot -

pilgrims pinned scallop shells to their

clothing and bags as a sign of their faith -

many of which fell to the ground in the mass

of people. And for me, that's the thing that I

hope to give readers, a feeling for a place, to

Find out more at: katemosse.co.uk

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