Shawclough & Healey March 2022

Shawclough & Healey March 2022

Shawclough & Healey March 2022


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Syke Walk & Talk Group


Now we are in a new year. Covid

regulations are being relaxed and the

weather is starting to get better! It is

the time for getting out into the fresh

air and having a good walk. The Syke

walking group starts from the Syke

Chapel on a Friday mornings.

This walk takes us to the picturesque Cowm

reservoir. It is about 6 miles and involves some

steep climbs.

Prior to the construction of the reservoir there

had been 26 houses and farms, a cotton mill

and stone polishing mill in the Cowm valley.

Not all of them were drowned when the valley

was flooded but those that remained were

gradually abandoned with the last residents

leaving in 1950. The ruins of Cowclough a

hamlet on the west side of the reservoir can

still be seen.

Construction of the reservoir started in 1868

and was completed in 1877. It was built to

supply drinking water to Rochdale but in 1975

became polluted and is now utilised by a water

ski centre. Pathways have been laid and it is

now possible to make a complete circuit of the


From Syke Chapel head northwards along

Dewhirst Road over the cattle grid and

continue on this road passing , Moorland

Home on your right and Lobden golf course

on your left. At the golf course take the left

turn and follow the road downhill passing Saint

Bartholomew’s church and Whitworth Square.


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