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S pecial Topic<br />

Exploiting the Faster-Than-Nyquist Concept in Wavelength-Division Multiplexing Systems Using Duobinary Shaping<br />

Jianqiang Li, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Magnus Karlsson, and Peter A. Andrekson<br />

near-symbol-rate channel spacing. Ideally, inter-symbol<br />

interference (ISI) is absent. However, filtering or spectral<br />

shaping often requires special treatment so that this Nyquist<br />

ISI-free criterion is met. It is also difficult to approach the<br />

Nyquist limit in practice; the channel spacing has to be<br />

slightly larger than the symbol rate because of inter-channel<br />

linear crosstalk [12]-[15]. Nyquist WDM assumes that the<br />

overall channel has no ISI or a small amount of linear ISI<br />

(excluding chromatic dispersion and polarization-mode<br />

dispersion, which are all-pass effects). Thus, optimum<br />

performance can be approached by combining a linear<br />

equalizer and a hard-decision-based detector, which is<br />

widely used in conventional WDM systems with coherent<br />

detection. In Nyquist WDM, the lower bound of the channel<br />

spacing is the symbol rate because the Nyquist ISI-free<br />

criterion dictates that the symbol rate cannot exceed the<br />

Nyquist rate of 2W over an ISI-free band-limited channel with<br />

single-sided cut-off bandwidth W [16].<br />

To exceed the Nyquist limit, faster-than-Nyquist has been<br />

proposed [16]-[19]. The fundamental idea behind this new<br />

concept is to increase the symbol rate above Nyquist rate by<br />

accepting a certain amount of ISI left to the detectors. The<br />

optimum detectors are those based on maximum a-posteriori<br />

probability (MAP) and maximum-likelihood (ML) criteria, not<br />

hard-decision criteria. Relaxing the ISI-free criterion greatly<br />

reduces bandwidth requirements on the transceiver and<br />

eases the difficulty of Nyquist filtering or shaping in practice.<br />

These benefits encourage the application of<br />

faster-than-Nyquist in realistic WDM systems. Our intention<br />

is to use faster-than-Nyquist without forcing the symbol rate<br />

beyond the Nyquist rate (even though it can be done).<br />

Although faster-than-Nyquist is relatively new in optical<br />

communications, it has already been leveraged in the<br />

systems described in [20]-[25]. In these systems, ISI was<br />

introduced by commercial electrical or optical analog filters<br />

(without any specific designs), and some ISI was left to the<br />

final MAP or ML detectors. A problem with an optimal MAP or<br />

ML receiver is that computations and storage grow<br />

exponentially with channel memory [26]. The channel memory<br />

induced by ISI in constrained-bandwidth systems (such as<br />

those in [20]-[22]) often spans a large number of symbols,<br />

and this results in unacceptably complex detectors.<br />

Moreover, the ISI pattern in these systems is unknown and<br />

unconditioned, and additional channel estimators are needed.<br />

Therefore, the success of faster-than-Nyquist depends on<br />

innovations that address all these problems.<br />

3 A Practical Suboptimal Receiver<br />

In [27], a finite impulse response (FIR) equalizer is used to<br />

shape the channel response into an intermediate truncated<br />

channel response with a short memory. The FIR equalizer then<br />

feeds the equalized output to a simplified<br />

maximum-likelihood sequence detector (MLSD) (Fig. 1). This<br />

equalizer is a partial-response equalizer because its shaping<br />

goal is one channel with a specified truncated ISI pattern. By<br />

using a partial-response equalizer, the overall memory or<br />

24<br />

<strong>ZTE</strong> COMMUNICATIONS<br />

March 2012 Vol.10 No.1<br />

Tx Channel Rx<br />

Partial-Response<br />

Equalizer<br />

Original Channel Response with<br />

Long and Unknow Memory<br />

MLSD: maximum-likelihood sequence detector<br />

▲Figure1. The typical system structure suggested in [27].<br />

MLSD<br />

Intermediate Response with<br />

Short and Unknow Memory<br />

accounted-for ISI can be arbitrarily shared between the<br />

partial-response equalizer and the MLSD. This allows a<br />

trade-off between complexity and performance, and the<br />

solution has been the basis of numerous receiver structures<br />

[28]-[30]. In these receivers, the least-mean-square (LMS)<br />

algorithm is commonly used so that the equalizer is adaptive.<br />

The adaptive equalizer can operate in a decision-directed<br />

[28], [29] or decision-feedback manner [30]. Regardless of<br />

which structure is used, the performance advantage of the<br />

MLSD is retained by carefully selecting the intermediate<br />

truncated channel so that the amplitude response is similar to<br />

that of the original channel. The reason for this guideline is<br />

that the shaping process by the partial-response equalizer<br />

would alter the spectral characteristic and power of the noise,<br />

which would ultimately influence the effective signal-to-noise<br />

ratio (SNR) and MLSD performance.<br />

Linear equalizers in fiber-optic systems are essential and<br />

have been widely applied [31]. Adaptive equalizers can<br />

conveniently perform polarization demultiplexing and<br />

compensate for almost all static and time-varying linear<br />

impairments. In optical coherent receivers, adaptive<br />

equalizers using constant modulus algorithm (CMA) and<br />

decision-directed LMS (DD-LMS) algorithm are used to<br />

mitigate ISI in the channel. However, noise may be strong if ISI<br />

is strong [26]. The shaping goal of an adaptive equalizer is an<br />

ISI-free channel, and an adaptive equalizer cannot be used<br />

for partial-response shaping. Moreover, it might also be<br />

inadvisable to modify the equalizer in an optical coherent<br />

receiver referring to [28]-[30] because this would not only<br />

complicate the equalizer itself but also significantly change<br />

the carrier recovery algorithms. For example, the equalizer<br />

structure proposed in [22] is similar to that in [29] for optical<br />

coherent receivers whereas the frequency offset was<br />

assumed to be known and had to be compensated for before<br />

the equalizer. Therefore, it is desirable to innovate on receiver<br />

structures without altering the existing mature coherent<br />

receiver algorithms.<br />

Another concern is how to determine the intermediate<br />

channel response in spectrally-efficient optical WDM systems<br />

by using the previously mentioned guideline. For general<br />

time-varying channels, an algorithm has been developed to<br />

adaptively optimize the intermediate channel response by<br />

minimizing the mean-square error [28]. In real optical<br />

networks, the memory or ISI in one channel (excluding the ISI<br />

induced by dispersion) is commonly introduced by<br />

bandwidth-limiting components such as the optical<br />

modulators, WDM components, reconfigurable optical

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