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ZTE Communications


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S pecial Topic<br />

Exploiting the Faster-Than-Nyquist Concept in Wavelength-Division Multiplexing Systems Using Duobinary Shaping<br />

Jianqiang Li, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Magnus Karlsson, and Peter A. Andrekson<br />

shaping and filtering allows the PM-QPSK signals to be<br />

accommodated on a 25 GHz grid with acceptable linear<br />

crosstalk. The two WaveShapers and 3 dB coupler act as an<br />

optical interleaver with the ability to tune the optical-filtering<br />

bandwidth. This tunability allows us to determine the tolerance<br />

of the proposed duobinary shaping scheme to the<br />

optical-filtering bandwidth. Spectral shaping can also be<br />

done by electrical filters such as those in [23] and [24]. Here,<br />

we take an optical approach to spectral shaping because<br />

WDM components are used in practice to combine WDM<br />

channels. Then, the entire WDM signal is<br />

polarization-multiplexed with a differential delay of<br />

approximately 180 symbols between the two polarizations.<br />

The fiber link was built up in a straight line using eight 80 km<br />

standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) spans with<br />

erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) only. The optical<br />

power, PL, launched into the SSMF spool in each span was<br />

the same. At the receiver, the WDM signal was pre-amplified<br />

and then filtered by a 0.8 nm optical bandpass filter (BPF) to<br />

suppress wideband noise. Intradyne detection of the central<br />

channel was implemented using a commercial<br />

integrated-coherent receiver in a conventional<br />

polarization- and phase-diverse configuration. Finally, the<br />

four detected tributaries were captured, each with 3×10 6<br />

samples, by a 50 GSa/s digital sampling oscilloscope with<br />

16 GHz analog bandwidth for offline processing.<br />

The conventional DSP blocks for a PM-QPSK coherent<br />

receiver are preserved without modification, which is a tenet<br />

of the proposed DSP structure. The proposed structure allows<br />

DSP reconfiguration because all the DSP blocks work in a<br />

feed-forward fashion, and the additional post-filter and<br />

MLSD can be easily switched to hard decision. After I/Q<br />

imbalance is compensated for using the Gram-Schmidt<br />

algorithm [31], electronic dispersion compensation (EDC)<br />

based on static time-domain equalization is performed to<br />

compensate for all the accumulated dispersion. The sample<br />

streams are then resampled to two samples per symbol. A<br />

blind adaptive equalizer with four 15-tap T/2-spaced<br />

butterfly FIR filters adapted using the classic CMA follows.<br />

Carrier recovery is then performed, which includes frequency<br />

offset estimation based on fast Fourier transform (FFT) [34]<br />

and carrier phase estimation based on the fourth-power<br />

Viterbi-Viterbi algorithm [31]. After these conventional DSP<br />

blocks, the digital post-filter performs duobinary shaping and<br />

the MLSD performs suboptimum detection on each signal<br />

quadrature of each polarization, that is, each electrical lane in<br />

a practical PM-QPSK transponder. (Fig. 2, highlighted<br />

boxes). On each signal quadrature in each polarization, the<br />

signal can be considered to have a 2-ary pulse-amplitude<br />

modulation (PAM) format. Therefore, the MLSD based on<br />

Viterbi algorithm only has two states for each quadrature of<br />

each polarization. Differential coding is used for all cases to<br />

overcome cycle slipping and phase ambiguity.<br />

We first investigated performance at different symbol rates.<br />

Fig. 3 shows B2B performance at a 25 Gbaud symbol rate,<br />

which is equal to the channel spacing. First, the performance<br />

of a single-channel PM-QPSK signal was measured by<br />

26<br />

<strong>ZTE</strong> COMMUNICATIONS<br />

March 2012 Vol.10 No.1<br />

Log10 (BER)<br />

-2<br />

-3<br />

-4<br />

-5<br />

12<br />

○<br />

◇<br />

□<br />

○<br />

Theoretical Limit<br />

◇<br />

□<br />

○<br />

13 14 15 16<br />

OSNR (dB) in 0.1 nm Reference Bandwidth<br />

: 1 ch without WaveShaper<br />

: 1 ch with 22 GHz WaveShaper<br />

: 3 ch with 22 GHz WaveShaper<br />

BER: bit error rate OSNR: optical signal-to-noise ratio<br />

▲Figure 3. BER as a function of OSNR in B2B at 25 Gbaud.<br />

configuring the WaveShaper in all-pass mode. The post-filter<br />

and MLSD were turned off in the DSP because there was no<br />

strong ISI. Compared with the theoretical limit and taking into<br />

account the differential coding, there is approximately 1 dB<br />

typical optical SNR (OSNR) penalty at a bit error rate (BER) of<br />

10 -3 . Second, aggressive spectral shaping was performed on<br />

the single-channel PM-QPSK signal by configuring the<br />

WaveShaper with a 22 GHz 3 dB bandwidth. The post-filter<br />

and MLSD were activated to perform duobinary shaping and<br />

suboptimum detection. By virtue of the post-filter and MLSD,<br />

a single-channel PM-QPSK signal only suffers approximately<br />

0.5 dB required OSNR penalty. Third, we turned on the two<br />

channels that were closest to each other in order to determine<br />

the effect of inter-channel linear crosstalk. Another 0.4 dB<br />

required OSNR penalty appears (Fig. 3). There is less than 1<br />

dB OSNR penalty in WDM systems with a channel spacing<br />

equal to symbol rate. Next, we pushed the symbol rate to 28<br />

Gbaud while maintaining the 25 GHz channel spacing. The<br />

symbol rate was faster than Nyquist, and the raw spectral<br />

efficiency was above 4 b/s/Hz. Fig. 4 shows B2B BER as a<br />

function of OSNR at 28 Gbaud. There is only 0.6 dB<br />

implementation penalty for single channel, similar to the<br />

penalty at 25 Gbaud. However, the penalty is larger when<br />

there is linear crosstalk due to the boosted symbol rate. This<br />

implies that the proposed duobinary shaping technique works<br />

well, and performance loss is mainly due to interchannel linear<br />

crosstalk not the technique itself. The BER of 10 -3 cannot be<br />

reached in the three-channel setup if the proposed technique<br />

is disabled at 25 Gbaud or 28 Gbaud. In sum, we have shown<br />

that there is an implementation penalty of approximately<br />

0.9 dB at 25 Gbaud and an implementation penalty of<br />

approximately 1.7 dB at 28 Gbaud on a 25 GHz WDM grid. By<br />

comparison, the systems in [13], [15], and [20] had greater<br />

than 2 dB OSNR penalty at B2B. To the best of our<br />

knowledge, the implementation penalties described in this<br />

paper are the smallest for PM-QPSK WDM systems with such<br />

high spectral efficiency. This small implementation penalty is<br />

achieved by only using one-symbol memory in the MLSD.<br />

○<br />

□<br />

◇<br />

◇<br />

○<br />

1 dB 0.5 dB 0.4 dB<br />

◇<br />

□<br />

○<br />

Experiments<br />

17<br />

◇<br />

□<br />


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