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values I received from my parents and my own newfound entrepreneurial spirit and I

became whole.

Nothing in my upbringing would have prepared me for what I’m doing now. And yet

everything did. I believe it is up to each of us to let go of the memories and the scars of

unsupportive fathers, ultra-critical mothers, ridiculing friends, and teachers who labeled us

from the first day of school. Everybody has had negative influences in their lives and every

one of us will have lots more. Look at Hollywood. What’s a celebrity profile on E! without

the struggles, without the strife? Everyone must rise from challenging situations…that’s

what successful people do. They decide to get beyond their past, whatever it may be. I’ve

chosen to accept my past, learn from it, copy what was good, and realize the bad stuff only

makes me stronger.

Real estate investing is a business where you will need to draw on your strength. My

advice is not only to look for strength in all that is good in your life, but also to use the hard

times for what they are: character-building experiences. And contrary to what most people

think, we can never have enough character. That’s my soapbox on confidence and character.

The rest of this book is dedicated to building your property investment business.

Myth #6: You Want to Do It but Don’t Really Have the Time

This really comes down to choices and priorities. There is always time to do the things

we need to do like go to work every day, mow the lawn, feed the dog. Often there isn’t time

to do the things we really want to do. Learn to speak a second language, build a bookcase,

or volunteer in the community. There is a difference between need and want. We’ll often do

what we need and put off what we want. Unfortunately our wants are what truly enrich our


The investment real estate business is something you should want to do and may even

need to do. It’s work. To be truly successful, especially in the beginning, you will be

involved in the day-to-day activities of finding and evaluating property, negotiating deals,

overseeing contract repair work, possibly even managing the property once it’s yours. I can

honestly say, I find the business rewarding, fun, and because of that, it is profitable.

I fell victim to the myth of not having enough time myself, and I take full blame. Robert

Kiyosaki asked me to write this book several years ago. Finally I embraced the idea and

actually started wanting to get it done; but wanting was not enough. What got me going was

a do-it-or-else deadline. That got my attention and made me realize I needed to get

disciplined and write the book. That’s what got the book done.

If you don’t have the time to begin your real estate investment business, maybe in your

mind, you don’t really need to do it. Maybe you simply want to do it, and “want” alone may

not be enough to get you started. After all, if you work during the week at another job, you

will have to search for and evaluate property on the weekends. You’ll need to make phone

calls when you can during the week or in the evenings. There’s always a way to make your

dreams come true…as long as they are truly your dreams.

Myth #7: You Have to Know Somebody to Get Going in This Business

While knowing a few key people such as a real estate agent, an attorney, or a banker

may save you some time, you don’t need to know anyone even remotely connected with

investment real estate to get started. In this book, you’ll discover the key people you need to

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