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Over the years I’ve established a system that I use every time. It’s the system you’ll

discover in this book. You should also communicate milestones clearly to your network of

business partners, and everyone you meet. You never know who will be the one to reveal

the perfect property opportunity to you, so the more detail you can provide up front the


Business To-Do List

Find your team.

Evaluate the market.

Find a great property.

Assign a valuation to the property.

Establish a property plan.

Develop a budget.

Manage the property.

Use the chart to help you map out your goals. Be honest with yourself and write in those

things that you really plan to accomplish.


If you’ve ever been part of anything entrepreneurial or even if you ever built something

from scratch, then you know endeavors such as these take twice as long as you think,

require twice as much work, and cost a lot more than you expected. Those are facts of life,

so I am never surprised when they prove to be true. Every project brings with it obstacles.

Things that make work work, if you want to look at it that way. Or, things that keep work

interesting. I prefer the latter.

In Portland, the acquisition of our waterfront building is destined to be a great

investment. It’s right on the Willamette River, and as I mentioned earlier, part of the

building is built on the pier. There are waterfront views and the entire project is over 300

units. There’s nothing else like it in the whole city. Sounds like a dream come true. Well

many would have viewed the dream more like a nightmare from the start. From problems

stemming from years of deferred maintenance to battling numerous structural inadequacies,

you name it and we encountered it. We could have let these obstacles and dozens of others

stop us a hundred times from closing on this deal. But we knew in our hearts this property

was worth the effort. It was worth driving through every one of these obstacles.We found

solutions and invested the money necessary to bring this amazing project to its full potential.

When it comes to property investing,

the saying “where there’s a will,

there’s a way” has never been

more meaningful.

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