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Chapter 13: Writing a Research Proposal 221

Example A

Suppose that you are conducting a study to investigate the impact of immigration on the

family. The preamble/introduction should include a brief description of the following:

• The origins of migratory movements in the world.

• General theories developed to explain migratory behaviour.

• The reasons for migration.

• Current trends in migration (national and state).

• The impact of immigration on family roles and relationships (e.g. on husband and wife,

on children and parents, on parental expectations of children, etc.).

• Occupational mobility.

• etc.

Example B

Suppose your research project is to conduct a study of the attitudes of foster carers towards

foster payment in … (name of the place/state/country). The preamble/introduction would

include the following:

• The origins of foster placement, the philosophy of foster care, a historical overview of

foster care and changes over the years.

• Reasons for foster care and changes over time.

• The origins of foster placement in … (the country in which you are conducting your study).

• The effects of foster placement on children and parents.

• Policies with respect to foster care in … (the region).

• The origins of foster care in … (the region).

• Administrative procedures for foster care in … (the region).

• The training of foster parents in … (the region).

• The role and responsibility of foster parents.

• etc.

Example C

Suppose that you plan to study the relationship between academic achievement and social

environment. The preamble/introduction would include the following:

• The role of education in our society.

• Major changes in the philosophy of education over time.


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