Toxic Legacies / Filtering the Truth

The concept of recycling has gained immense popularity as a sustainable approach to waste pollution and is embraced as a potential solution to our escalating environmental crisis. However, not all recycling practices – especially when it comes to plastic – are necessarily environmentally friendly. In many cases, claims to recyclability are merely greenwashing, a marketing strategy used by companies to position themselves as environ- mentally conscious without implementing actual changes in their production practices. My master project aims to investigate the greenwashing behind recycling and how the concept of recycling can tend to justify the production of waste in a consumer-based system.

The concept of recycling has gained immense popularity as a sustainable approach to waste pollution and is embraced as a potential solution to our escalating environmental crisis. However, not all recycling practices – especially when it comes to plastic – are necessarily environmentally friendly. In many cases, claims to recyclability are merely greenwashing, a marketing strategy used by companies to position themselves as environ- mentally conscious without implementing actual changes in their production practices.

My master project aims to investigate the greenwashing behind recycling and how the concept of recycling can tend to justify the production of waste in a consumer-based system.


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Using humour or irony as a tool for communication is obviously

not new. One organisation that includes this in their

rhetorical protest is the activist magazine named Adbusters.

The network consists of artists and activists that create a

bi-monthly magazine and a series of campaigns and ads –

addressing issues regarding our current environmental, political

and social structures. Adbusters is known for their parodic

“subvertisements” that seek to reveal the “true logic”

of advertising, by adopting a practice termed culture jamming.

Culture jamming (also known as guerilla communication)

is a form of protest used by many anti-consumerist

social movements that “questions corporate and capitalist

ideologies and promotes changes in current consumer society.”

56 Adbusters visuals often refer to the corporate identities

of their target ad, prompting a double take when viewers

realise what they’re seeing is in fact the very opposite of

what they expected. Mimicking well- known brands such as

McDonalds, Marlboro and Balenciaga, these ads are primarily

aimed at the beauty, tobacco, fast-food and alcohol industry.

Images 08-10: “Spoof” ads from Adbusters

Though their use of irony in their words and imagery has

rhetorical value, the tactic can also be seen as problematic

for several reasons. First, the early 2000s showed a shift

in methods used by corporate marketers, in which parody

and irony have become dominant motifs of many successful

mass-marketing campaigns 57 and companies have incorporated

methods in which they mock themselves or latch onto

people’s need to “rebel against authority”. 56 What’s more, in

an article published in the Critical Studies in Media Communication

the professor Christine Harold argues that by being

the opposition or a saboteur, groups such as Adbusters positioning

themselves (resentfully) on the outside, constantly

only able to react and forcefully convey how “things are not

as they should be” without affirming possible alternatives.

According to Harold, “The frustration expressed by Adbusters’

readers implies that being told what is best for them

is no more welcome coming from Adbusters than it is coming

from advertisers.” In my more playful, subtle version of

a campaign, the aim is to move with the system rather than

against it, and address viewers at a time in which no preconceived

notions or defence mechanisms are set in place. My

aim is not to tell people what to do or what is wrong or right,

but rather use the subtle form of dissonance induced by presenting

seductive products that are not usable, to invoke interest

to the viewer to educate themselves on current issues

regarding greenwashing of recycling.


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