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letters have been slowing down over the past couple of years, after all. I

didn’t mind, because I also got busier in school, but still…

Misha never wrote me as much as I wrote him. I’d never really thought

about that until now.

I snatch the letter out of the mailbox, crumple it up in my fists, and toss

it on top of the pile in the garbage can. Screw him.

I charge back toward my Jeep, my heart starting to race as the fresh dew

on the grass wets my feet through my sandals.

But then I stop, feeling a wave of loss wash over me. No. It’s not

pathetic. Misha wouldn’t want me to stop writing him. He made me

promise. I need you, you know that, right? he’d said. Tell me we’ll always

have this. Tell me you won’t stop. That was in one of his rare letters where I

got a glimpse of everything he keeps hidden. He’d seemed afraid and

vulnerable, and so I promised him. Why would I ever stop? I never want to

lose him.


I swing around and jog back to the garbage can, digging the crumpled

envelope out and straightening it again. I flatten it as much as I can and

stick it back in the mailbox, shutting the lid.

Without giving myself time to dwell on it, I hop in my car and drive to

school. It’s almost May, and even though it’s a bit chilly, I brave it in my

shorts and thin blouse, knowing the afternoon will be warmer. With ten

minutes to spare, I park in the lot, seeing crowds of students milling about

as I walk up the sidewalk to the front entrance.

Music plays from phones, people text, and I feel an arm snake around

me, a familiar scent hitting my nose. Ten wears Jean Paul Gaultier cologne

every day, and I love it. It makes my stomach somersault.

“What’s this,” he asks, lifting up my right hand.

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