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Annie’s fabric softener. She was good about doing the laundry, since my

dad was busy and I always did it wrong. I complained about the flowery

scents she used for my clothes, but now I close my eyes, feeling only home.

I made sure to keep using it after she was gone. Nothing would change. We

would never change anything she did.

Annie. I blink, feeling my eyes water. I finish gathering the clothes I

need and pack an extra pair of shoes as well as the pictures of Annie and me

that I have taped to the wall above my desk.

I pass by my guitar, resting on the stand, and a pile of our band’s posters

that never got used. Three months ago I had three things I loved. My music,

my sister, and…

Everything empties from my lungs, and I turn away from the guitar,

unable to look at the fucking thing. It doesn’t matter what I had. Annie’s

gone now. My words are gone, and Ryen’s… I don’t know what she is.

And that’s when it occurs to me. I got a letter from her last week. She’s

probably sent me another one by now, since she writes like I breathe air.

Not that I ever minded, though. They were the best things to come home to.

I leave the guest house, carrying the duffel bag and locking up behind

me. I notice that everything seems darker, and I look up and see thunder

clouds hovering low. Shit. Did I leave the windows down in my truck? I

better get back to school. Falcon’s Well might not get hit with the rain, but

it’s possible.

I hurry to the back door of the main house and unlock it, dashing inside.

The kitchen is dark, so my dad must be out. Heading over to the counter, I

find the pile of mail, all of it mine, and immediately scan for a smoky black

envelope with a skull seal.

But I don’t find one. There’s nothing there but college brochures and

credit card applications. Has she stopped writing me then?

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