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“And I, for one, hopes he keeps it up.” Lyla adds. “Did you see what he

wrote this morning?”

Everyone falls silent, and I know exactly what they’re looking at. I turn

my head, glancing to the wall, right over the doorway to the gym teachers’

offices. Flapping ever so gently from the AC blowing out of the vent is a

large piece of white butcher paper taped haphazardly to the wall.

I smile to myself, my heartbeat picking up pace, and turn back to finish

getting ready.

“Don’t knock masturbation,” Mel Long says, reciting the message we

all saw laying behind the butcher paper before morning practice a while

ago, “it’s sex with someone I love.”

And everyone starts laughing. I bet they don’t even know it’s a Woody

Allen quote.

They discovered the graffiti this morning, here in the girls’ locker room

this time, and while the teachers covered it up with paper, everyone saw

what was behind it.

The school has been vandalized twenty-two times in the last month, and

today makes twenty-three.

At first, it was slow—one occurrence here and there—but now it’s more

frequent, nearly every day, and sometimes several times a day. As if “the

little punk,” as he or she has come to be known, has developed a taste for

breaking into the school at night and leaving random messages on the walls.

“Well,” I say, hooking my bag over my shoulder and slamming my

locker door shut. “With the cameras going in all the hallways and covering

every entrance soon, I’m sure he or she will either wise up and quit, or get

caught. Their days are numbered.”

“I hope he gets caught,” Katelyn says, excitement in her eyes. “I want to

know who it is.”

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