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His friend, Kai, quietly laughs at his side.

“I told you not to get a tattoo on your neck,” Will scolds. “Didn’t I say

that? Did you see how we worked her? You should’ve been able to get

yourself out of that if you had any sense.”

“It’s not on my neck,” I argue back. “It’s just like,” I gesture to my

neck, “up a little and…”

“Hi.” I hear a calm, deep voice and look over to see Kai staring at Ryen.

Michael follows suit and moves close to her. “So this is the one who

was at a party, without you, doing body shots, huh?”

She scowls, and I retort, “Dane needs to shut his mouth.”

But Michael just smirks down at Ryen. “If that was my girl, her ass

would be red for a week.”

“Yeah, I don’t physically threaten my girl, okay?”

“And look where she was.”

Will pushes Michael back. “Don’t listen to him,” he soothes Ryen. “He

doesn’t lay a hand on his girl. She has swords.”

Kai laughs quietly off to the side, but Ryen’s face is twisted in disgust.

She looks to me. “Who are these pigs?”

I walk for the front door, knowing everyone will follow. “Will’s my

cousin. These are his friends. I called him so I wouldn’t have to call my


“And how’s my baby?” Will calls from behind, referring to his truck.

He lent it to me when he got arrested a few years ago. I had it the whole

time he was on the inside, but since he’s been out, he hasn’t come looking

for it, so I hoped he forgot about it.

“I hope you don’t want it back,” I tell him. “I have some good

memories in that truck.”

I shoot a look over to Ryen, seeing a blush cross her cheeks.

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