Business Today Egypt | October – November 2023, Special Edition

Business Today Egypt | October – November 2023, Special Edition

Business Today Egypt | October – November 2023, Special Edition


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ing from prolonged geopolitical developments witnessed

worldwide, but they affect emerging economies the most.

The impact of these challenges varies from one country

to another in the region depending on its economic

capabilities. While efforts to develop and enhance the

sector continue in some countries, others struggle to allocate

more resources to promote the sector and achieve its

added value. Moreover, there is a varying audience interest

in various entertainment channels, with many families, especially

in lower-income countries, experiencing financial

constraints, leading them to reduce their expenses on nonessential


In Egypt, the entertainment industry holds immense potential

for bolstering the economy and promoting cultural

exchange. With a rich heritage in music, cinema and art,

Egypt has a strong foundation to build upon. By fostering

an environment conducive to creative expression and innovation,

the country can attract both local and international

talents, supporting a thriving ecosystem of artists,

performers and creative professionals.

The entertainment industry is also a catalyst for tourism,

drawing visitors from around the world to experience

Egypt’s diverse cultural offerings and entertainment

events. This influx of tourists contributes to increased consumer

spending, thus creating a ripple effect across various

sectors, including hospitality, retail and transportation.

Egypt has set a target to enhance tourism and attract 30

million tourists annually by 2028, according to the Minister

of Tourism and Antiquities, Ahmed Issa. To reach that

target, there needs to be concerted efforts beyond the conventional

principle of tourism that Egypt has relied on for


Investments in infrastructure and technological advancements

within the entertainment industry can further amplify

its impact on the economy. By leveraging digital platforms,

streaming services, and cutting-edge production


facilities, Egypt can position itself as a regional and global

leader in the entertainment sector, attracting investment

and fostering innovation.

A recent report from the Central Bank of Egypt revealed

positive developments in the tourism sector. In

the fiscal year 2022/2023, Egypt’s tourism revenues witnessed

a remarkable growth of 26.8%, reaching $13.6 billion

compared to $10.7 billion in the previous fiscal year

(2021/2022). The report also highlighted a 35.6% increase

in the number of inbound tourists, totaling approximately

13.9 million visitors.

The number of nights spent by tourists in Egypt rose by

27.6% to a record of 146.1 million nights during the fiscal

year 2022/2023.

The entertainment industry also acts as a soft power

tool, showcasing the cultural richness and diversity of a

nation to a global audience. Through the export of cultural

products and content, Egypt can enhance its global

presence, fostering international collaborations and partnerships

that drive economic growth and cultural exchange.

By recognizing the multifaceted benefits of the entertainment

industry, Egypt can strategically invest in its development

by nurturing talent, promoting creativity, and

establishing a robust ecosystem that contributes to sustainable

economic growth and cultural enrichment.

Egypt’s entertainment industry has undergone a significant

transformation, emerging as a vibrant sector that encompasses

various domains, including tourism, gaming,

digital streaming, live concerts, arts, advertising, marketing,

sports and more.

Renowned for its rich cultural heritage and historical

significance, Egypt has evolved into a hub for diverse

entertainment experiences, attracting both domestic and

international audiences. In this issue delve into the multifaceted

dimensions of Egypt’s entertainment landscape,

highlighting the dynamic growth and potential opportunities

across its various sectors. September 2023


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