Business Today Egypt | October – November 2023, Special Edition

Business Today Egypt | October – November 2023, Special Edition

Business Today Egypt | October – November 2023, Special Edition


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ans can earn a living through performances,

TV appearances, corporate and conference

gigs, and online content. The growth of the

industry also contributes to the entertainment

sector’s overall economic impact, including

revenue generation, job creation and tourism

promotion. A lot of these rising standup comedians,

such as The Elite and HelmyMan Events,

have taken their shows to countries like Jordan

and the UAE, which helps in boosting both

Egypt’s tourism and entertainment industries.

“Stand-up comedy is not a trend, it has been

underground for almost 12 years now. In the

past 2 to 3 years, we started seeing stand-up comedians

act in movies, create advertisements

and popular online content, so it has finally

come into the spotlight,” Mina Selim, a standup

comedian, tells Business Today.

Impact on Egypt’s Economy

The cinema and theater industry contributes

heavily to the Egyptian economy through

job creation, cultural and tourism promotion,

and basic revenue generation from film production,

box office, and theater ticket sales.

Both industries offer employment opportunities

for many people, including actors,

directors, producers, technicians, set designers,

sound engineers, video editors, makeup

artists, and stylists among many other roles. It

supports a vast network of professionals who

work both on and off-screen, which contributes

to the overall job market and employment


Egyptian films and theater productions play

a crucial role in promoting Egyptian culture

and attracting tourists. It is a soft power that

shapes the image and reputation of Egypt

across the world. Many international visitors

are drawn to visit Egypt to explore its history

and get to know its culture, which indirectly

boosts tourism revenue.

“Egypt should utilize the filming locations of

iconic movies and open them for tourists to

visit. This is a great experience that could generate

money for Egypt and contribute to boosting

tourism,” Haitham Abdelatey, an Egyptian

filmmaker, tells Business Today. “Such experiences

have been successfully implemented

abroad in countries like Turkey, and people

from around the world come to see where their

favorite series or movies have been filmed.”

Building a Stronger Industry

The entertainment industry in Egypt faces

several challenges, including the lack of investment

and diverse ideas, piracy, and bureaucracy.

UNESCO also stated that practitioners estimate

Egypt loses 50 to 75% of its film and

audiovisual revenue due to piracy. The book

also states that “funding is a big challenge for

Egyptian producers, especially due to everincreasing

labor and technical costs, and the

star culture, which means that popular actors

command exceedingly high rates.”

“Egypt’s current economic state impacts the

theater and cinema industry; people are more

reluctant to pay money to go to cinemas and

theaters especially with the existence of digital

streaming services and online pirated movies

websites,” Abdelatey adds.

“There has to be continuous

competition between in-

38 November 2023 www.businesstodayegypt.com

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