An Introduction To The International Criminal Court - Institute for ...

An Introduction To The International Criminal Court - Institute for ...

An Introduction To The International Criminal Court - Institute for ...


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trial and appeal 149<br />

right ‘to conduct the defence in person or through legal assistance of the<br />

accused’s choosing’.<br />

In the <strong>International</strong> Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the right<br />

to funded counsel <strong>for</strong> indigent defendants is subject to the requirement<br />

that this be in cases ‘where the interests of justice so require’, 30 a provision<br />

that is echoed in Article 67 of the Rome Statute. Arguably, this will be the<br />

situation in all cases be<strong>for</strong>e the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Criminal</strong> <strong>Court</strong>. Probably <strong>for</strong><br />

this reason, the <strong>International</strong> Law Commission removed the ‘interests of<br />

justice’ condition in its draft statute, 31 only to have it introduced again by<br />

the Preparatory Committee. 32 Administration of the system of legal aid to<br />

indigent defendants is the responsibility of the Registrar. 33<br />

<strong>The</strong> trial is to begin with the accused being read all charges previously<br />

confirmed by the Pre-Trial Chamber. <strong>The</strong> Trial Chamber is to satisfy itself<br />

that the accused understands the nature of the charges. <strong>The</strong> accused will be<br />

asked to plead guilty or not guilty. 34 <strong>The</strong> practice of the ad hoc tribunals has<br />

shown that it is not at all unusual <strong>for</strong> an accused to offer to plead guilty. 35<br />

This may be motivated by a number of factors, including a genuine feeling of<br />

remorse and contrition in the more sincere cases, and a hope that admission<br />

of guilt when conviction seems certain may result in a reduced sentence and<br />

better treatment in the more cynical cases. <strong>The</strong>re were difficulties in circumscribing<br />

the rules applicable to guilty pleas because of differing philosophical<br />

approaches to the matter in the main judicial systems of national law. Under<br />

common law, a guilty plea is often the norm, obtained from an accused in<br />

exchange <strong>for</strong> commitments from the prosecutor as to the severity of the<br />

sentence and the nature of the charges. Under continental law, confession<br />

of guilt is viewed with deep suspicion and courts are expected to rule on<br />

guilt and innocence based on the evidence, irrespective of such a plea. But,<br />

on a practical level, the differences may not be so great, although there are<br />

30 <strong>International</strong> Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, (1966) 999 UNTS 171, Art. 14(3)(d).<br />

31 ‘Report of the <strong>International</strong> Law Commission on the Work of Its Forty-Sixth Session, 2 May–22<br />

July 1994’, UN Doc. A/49/10, p. 116. See also ‘Code of Crimes Against the Peace and Security of<br />

Mankind’, UN Doc. A/51/332, Art. 11(e).<br />

32 ‘Decisions Taken by the Preparatory Committee at Its Session Held 4 to 15 August 1997’, UN<br />

Doc. A/AC.249/1997/L.8/Rev.1.<br />

33 Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Rule 21. 34 Rome Statute, Art. 64(8)(a).<br />

35 Prosecutor v. Erdemovic (Case No. IT-96-22-S), Sentencing Judgment, 5 March 1998, (1998)<br />

37 ILM 1182; Prosecutor v. Kambanda (Case No. ICTR-97-23-S), Judgment and Sentence, 4<br />

September1998,(1998)37ILM1411;Prosecutorv. Serushago(CaseNo.ICTR-98-39-S),Sentence,<br />

2 February 1999; Prosecutor v. Jelesic (Case No. IT-95-10-T), Judgment, 14 December 1999;<br />

Prosecutor v. Ruggiu (Case No. ICTR-97-32-I), Judgment and Sentence, 1 June 2000.

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