Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns


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the blade sprays dust that gets in your clothes and covers your skin. A relaxing shower revives<br />

you and makes you feel good all over, just to wash the dirt off. In the same way, the Bible cleans<br />

up the tempted Christian. Jesus said, "Sanctify (cleanse) them through thy word, thy word is<br />

true"' (Jn. 17:17). Again the psalmist said', "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way'?<br />

By taking heed thereto according to thy word" (Ps. 119:9). After working around filthy-mouthed<br />

men all day, you might be influenced by them. Read the Bible; it's like a refreshing shower.<br />

2. You can have victory through faith. The problem with this principle is that faith is<br />

usually weakest in the throes of lust. The tempter knows how to turn eyes away from Christ.<br />

Temptation is looking at the things we shouldn't see. So it is difficult to have faith in temptation.<br />

Your faith can be stirred when you know how everything will work out. A mischievous<br />

boy wouldn't turn out the lights when his mother told him to go to bed. He loved reading Dick<br />

Tracy thrillers. His favorite detective would be captive in a dungeon filling with water and<br />

inhabited with alligators. It was hard for him to obey when Dick Tracy was in a predicament.<br />

You will find it hard to obey when temptation threatens. The little boy learned that if he read the<br />

last chapter, everything came out all right. The Christian can overcome his temptation when he<br />

knows God will work all things to his good.<br />

But faith is more than looking at the last chapter. Faith is looking to Jesus Christ now.<br />

Paul claimed his victory by faith. He knew Christ had died for sin. "But God forbid that I should<br />

glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I<br />

unto the world" (Gal. 6:14). Daily, Paul took his place in Christ, the world was crucified to him.<br />

The secret is simply Christ in you and you in Christ. This is a faith promise that you must claim.<br />

When purchasing a car you usually ask, "What is the horsepower?" Power is necessary to<br />

move a ton of steel down the expressway. We have God's power in us—Jesus Christ. Faith<br />

releases the power to overcome.<br />

3. You can have victory through resisting the devil. God blesses old fashioned<br />

hardheadedness. A snaggletoothed old bachelor asked the single schoolteacher why she had<br />

turned down his 25 proposals of marriage. "Because I don't want to marry you!" she replied.<br />

You should have that determination. Know the type of person you want to be and stick to your<br />

guns.<br />

The biggest two words in the English language are, "Do right." Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., used<br />

to add, “Do right even if the stars fall." Your spirituality is not measured by how many tears you<br />

shed at the altar, how high you jump or how loud you shout "Amen!" Your character is measured<br />

by how straight you walk when you come down and how often you talk about Jesus.<br />

The Lord never forced His cross on anyone. It's your responsibility to take it up; this<br />

involves resisting the devil. The Lord never promised He'd take a stick and run the devil away,<br />

like the old farmer had to run the dogs out of the yard so friends could come visit. It's your job to<br />

resist the devil.

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