Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns


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Chapter Twelve<br />


The three greatest qualities in anyone's life are faith, hope and love. You get faith from<br />

the Bible and love by giving, but what about hope? Everyone wants better conditions: a better<br />

job . . . a better car . . . a better house. We live with "hope" that things will get better. Is that<br />

biblical hope?<br />

God puts "hope" in your heart when you are saved. You exercise this hope by exercising<br />

faith. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for " (Heb. 11:1). Hope is the medicine that cures<br />

depression and the patience to get us through a rough week.<br />

A salesman waited in the lobby to see a client and worried. The threat of failure plagued<br />

him, taking the edge off a good presentation of his product. He had the wrong kind of hope.<br />

A mother saw her small boy walk out on the stage of a kindergarten rehearsal. She<br />

expected the worst. Fear of humiliation prompted her to snarl a handkerchief in her lap. She<br />

frowns, when her son needs all the support he can get. The hope of the world is Jesus. The<br />

world needs hope. The struggling boy needs inner assurance he can get through college, he needs<br />

hope. A quarreling couple need assurance they can live together. Hope can prevent a divorce.<br />

A wife living with a drunken husband needs strength to endure the trials. She lives in<br />

hope that things will get better. A bankrupt family can face the future with hope.<br />

The happiest places in town are usually the wedding and the maternity ward - because<br />

there is hope. The church should be equally happy.<br />

An artist drew a dreary picture of a rundown shack. The sun was setting and darkness<br />

approached. The artist communicated loneliness, but the picture hung in the studio unsold.<br />

"Why won't it sell?" he asked a friend.<br />

"No one wants to be hopeless and lonely," the friend told him. "Everyone's looking for<br />

happiness and hope."<br />

The artist took his yellow paint and dabbed the window. Suddenly there was a light in<br />

the house that seemed to say, "Welcome home." He sold many copies of the painting to people<br />

looking for a little light in their life.<br />

1. You should have hope because you will go to heaven when you die. Christ came<br />

into your heart when you were saved. The difference between a Christian and a lost person is not<br />

only his destination (heaven) or the fact that his sins are forgiven; the great difference is that<br />

Christ is in his heart.<br />

Have you ever noticed how hope makes time pass quickly? A job does not seem dreary<br />

to the man who looks forward to his weekend nor to the woman who looks forward to

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