Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns


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Chapter 9<br />


A hundred years ago, A. J. Gordon, who was filled with the Spirit, prayed, "Be thorough<br />

with me, Lord, be thorough." He wanted God to point out every small flaw that prevented a godly<br />

walk. Gordon built a great church in Boston, Massachusetts, because he wanted the Holy Spirit<br />

to influence every part of his fife.<br />

D.L. Moody was walking the streets of New York when he felt an urgent need for prayer.<br />

Borrowing a room from a friend, he prayed for two days lest the power of God should smite him<br />

dead. Dwight L. Moody was filled with the Spirit and shook two continents for God because the<br />

Holy Spirit completely controlled him.<br />

When Welshman Christmas Evans sought the filling of the Holy Spirit, he wrote a<br />

thirteen-point covenant with God. Evans told God what he would do if filled by the Spirit.<br />

Because of his sincerity, Evans kept his word with God. In return, God filled him with power<br />

and revival came to all of Wales.<br />

When you read of the experiences of great men, be encouraged. What God has done for<br />

them, He can do for, you. But be careful; don't let the experiences of others be your guide.<br />

When you seek the filling of the Holy Spirit, don't attempt to imitate their experiences, such as<br />

writing a covenant or praying for two days. Follow the principles of Scripture that tell you how<br />

to be filled with the Spirit.<br />

Some make their experiences the standard for others, seldom quoting the Word of God.<br />

When you lead people to Jesus Christ, don't force your experience on them because God saves<br />

people in different ways at different times. Some are saved in Sunday School, others in Bible<br />

classes, some through revivals and many as a result of personal work. Getting the experience is<br />

not the issue. Getting the Person (Jesus Christ) is important. Curtis Hutson once said, "I wanted<br />

the fullness of the Holy Spirit more than I wanted to live." As a result, Hutson was able to<br />

influence many lives through his preaching.<br />

Paul exhorts the believers, "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled<br />

with the Spirit" (Eph. 5:18). Since God commanded a Christian to be filled with the Spirit,<br />

everyone should seek Him. But many Christians are confused and fearful about the filling. They<br />

are afraid to seek it. Yet, every Christian is commanded to be filled with the Spirit. This verse<br />

tells that if getting drunk is wrong, then not being filled with the Spirit is just as wrong. When<br />

you are drunk with wine you are controlled by the "spirits in the bottle." The "spirits" from the<br />

bottle control your walk, talk and eyesight. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you are<br />

controlled by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, your walk, talk and sight are controlled by the Holy<br />

Spirit.<br />

The Holy Spirit is the power you need to live for God. The Holy Spirit will make you<br />

Holy and Spiritual. He will give you the ability to overcome a nasty temper or depression. He<br />

will help you win souls. Consider the following outline to understand the filling of the Holy<br />


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