Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns


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Chapter 3<br />


Now that you are a Christian, you will want to do the will of God. When you were a<br />

child, you did the will of your parents. Sometimes you didn't understand why you were doing<br />

what they wanted; other times you didn't want to please them. Some even rebel against the will<br />

of their parents.<br />

A young boy didn't like practicing the violin and didn't understand why he had to stay<br />

cooped up in the house when his friends were playing outside. Later he made first violin in the<br />

symphony orchestra and was grateful for his mother's determination.<br />

The will of God is "good" (Rom. 12:2), but that does not mean we always enjoy our<br />

circumstances. God knows what is best for His children, and those who listen to Him are<br />

rewarded. God's will for us comes out of His nature. He wants us to be like His Son (Rom.<br />

12:2).<br />

You can look to Jesus as your example in finding the will of God. His entire life was<br />

dedicated completely to the Father's will. He once said, "My meat is to do the will of him that<br />

sent me" (Jn. 4:34). Again He prayed, "Not my will, but thine, be done" (Luke 22:42). Doing<br />

the will of God is simply doing what God wants you to do. When Jesus taught us to pray, "Thy<br />

will be done," it simply means we do what God expects.<br />

1. You can find God's will. The psalmist says, "The meek will he guide in judgment;<br />

and the meek will he teach his way,, (Ps. 25:9). Every man can find God's will. Every man!!<br />

Not only full-time preachers can find God's will. The little boy in the first grade must know that<br />

God wants him to develop his abilities and grow as Jesus did.<br />

God expects us to know and do His will. Paul exhorted, "Be ye not unwise, but<br />

understanding what the will of ' God is " (Eph. 5:17). Two facts arise from this verse: first, the<br />

will of God can be understood; and, second, those who do not know the will of God are not wise.<br />

Some search for the will of God like looking through a zing of keys, using the trial and error<br />

method. But God does not hide His will like the miser hiding his money, hoping no one will find<br />

it. Every Christian, meaning you, can know and do the will of God.<br />

We can find God's will if we seek His guidance in our lives. Jeremiah said, "It is not in<br />

man that walketh to direct his steps" (Jer. 10:23). We should not leave our future to our own<br />

decision. We must seek God's will and God's Word. We have to be sure that our will, heart,<br />

affections and desires are wholly surrendered to Him.<br />

2. You must desire to know God's will and be willing to do all that is involved. God's<br />

will is like groceries: they don't come from the store ' and place themselves on the table. You<br />

must go get a job and work diligently. Then use your money to go and purchase groceries. Even<br />

when you get your food to the house, it must be prepared. Laziness is inconsistent with God's<br />


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